My first Squidoo review

Last Update: November 01, 2009

I've finished and published my first review on Squidoo. It's not my first article as I wrote one last week that had nothing to do with IM to get aquainted with the tool. But, now that I've established one Affiliate relationship (with another being reviewed) I finally got the article published.

I have at least 2 more articles on my To Do list for this week for the same service provider. I'm hoping that writing a few articles with links to each will get some activity.

Feel free to check it out & provide any pointers on getting it noticed & well-ranked or any other insight you would like to share. I've put a backlink on my temporary website and submitted my site to Google for indexing. Hopefully it will get 'seen' fairly quickly.

 I just realized I didn't put the link to my lens. Here it is.

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Garrd Premium
Rated your Lens Looks good keep up the good work