
Last Update: April 18, 2010

I've been away from WA for awhile. Basically, I've been in a knee jerk state for far too long. I lost my 'job' in Nov. 2008. I spent a few months taking seminars, reading books, doing a bunch of different things to update my skill set to either (1) find another job or (2) start my own business.

 Several months after becoming unemployed I found the world of internet marketing. I wish I would have found it earlier in my transitional stage because I am sure I would have seen several successes by now and the uncertainty of making a living would be behind me. Instead, I only stuck a toe in the IM water because the fear of having no income was very strong.

In the last few months, the danger of having absolutely no income became even stronger so I reprioritized my time into finding a temporary cubicle, clock-punching job. Along with the less-than-fruitful job search, I had some family struggles pop up that took a lot of my focus. The negative side affect was that I all but abandoned any efforts into making my internet marketing strategy work. 

Just last week I was given a short reprieve from the pending terror of no income. This served as a wonderful wake-up call. I have absolutely no desire to punch a clock so someone else can benefit from my efforts. I am rededicating myself to putting my time to work for my own success. Starting today, I'm recommitting myself to being active in WA and other resources I've found in the IM world so that I can completely put the thoughts of working in a cubicle behind me. I have no problem plugging away at a computer, I just want the results of my efforts to go directly to me, not someone sitting in a nicer office down the hall or in another city.

 It is time to make it happen. So, I'm going to pretend that I am just getting acquainted with WA. I'm going start from scratch and dig in. From here on out, I'm going to make sure I spend a significant amount of time developing my plan, my goals and seeing them realized.

 So, without further ado, it's time to start training and acting. Good luck to all of you getting started, those who've been doing this for some time, or those getting restarted like me. I know that internet marketing is the answer for me so let's make it happen. 

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