Working through it

Last Update: June 29, 2010

As I mentioned in April, I decided to 'start from scratch' after being absent for a time. I'm currently still working through a bunch of tutorials and crossing items off my to-do list in my re-engagement here at WA. I may not be cruising through as fast as I'd like but I am coasting at a steady pace and I'm happy about that.

I do believe my decision was a good one. Instead of trying to pick up with things that I may not be completely ready to do, taking a few steps back and re-enforcing some of the things I'd read about before has made my knowledge a little stronger. In my humble opinion, I think I will be more successful even if it might take me a bit longer to reach it. At least I am continuing to plug along instead of making excuses and quitting. 

I hope who ever may read this who is either struggling or considering whether their presence in WA is worth it will jump on board and recommit. It really is the only way to succeed at this least for me. Good luck to you regardless of where you are in the process. The beautiful thing is that you can make it happen on your timeline. So if you need to take it a bit slower right now, just keep plugging along at whatever pace you can manage right now until you can kick it into high gear.

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