Not quite 50/50 lately

Last Update: November 12, 2009

I've been away from WA for a few days. As a result my 50% research/ 50% action is a little skewed for the last several days. After accessing and reviewing Revelation's external website, I decided I should put a little effort into working on my own a bit. I've spent the last several days learning & learning to love WordPress as another tool to use in my IM venture.

I've now got an official blog. I never thought I'd (1) Facebook or (2) Twitter. Now, I'm doing both and I've added a WordPress blog. ( It's quite time consuming to get these things up & running but that's the stuff I enjoy doing. I just wish I had more hours in a day as there are so many posts I'm wanting to add to the site.

On top of that, I'm still trying to nail down a revenue stream. Now that I've got the WordPress tool under my belt, I've got to spend some time on the learning aspect of my game again. I tend to work with blinders on a lot. I've done it again & now I've got to try to pull those suckers off & expand my vision to include the full picture. At least I'm enjoying the journey.

I can't say it enough, I wish there were more hours in a day to accomplish everything I want to accomplish. I hope the rest of you are crossing off tasks and accomplishing goals.

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Garrd Premium
I visited your web site it loos great and I hope you get your articles out and get your lens linked to your site and your site hooked up to your lens
To your continued Success