A Sad Reality

Last Update: July 13, 2012
I was trying to help a 10-Day-er last evening along with another member. The new person was in the act of using Build Website.

At first I though he was just having a problem with the protocol for adding the domain, so then he said that my fix had worked. Next he (or she) said that his site did not come up. We asked if he had pointed his domain to our server. It turned out he had no domain. He evidently thought that you just type in a name for a domain and up would come your site.

So then we told him how to buy a domain. He said that the 10-Day membership told him he needed no money to succeed her and NO money was exactly what he had.

So, now we have not given up helping the poor fellow (if it was a fellow). So we told him he could obtain a free web site either from his ISP or Google or such. So off he went.

When people come here, they bring their own expectations. Most are looking or a get-rich-quick scheme and don't know it. So much depends on our background before we get here.

I'm glad that we have the Open Education Project. It lets us help each other and just by reading the chat entries, you can get an education, especially when Kyle or Carson and some of the other great marketers are giving input.

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kyle Premium Plus
John, this is unfortunately and the reality of many people's situations. We are going to continue to work to help EVERYONE and this will include ways that allow people with actually ZERO dollars to achieve success.

In saying this, services do cost money to offer and our operating costs are very high, but I think we have some solutions coming that will appeal to this audience. The problem is that most people that say this often times in the next sentence will say they are in school or going back to school...or just bought an expensive product on "making money quick" that is far more than a membership here at WA.

I was looking up Internet marketing training and I found a degree style course out of a University in the US that was charging $80,000 for a four year degree in Internet marketing. In perspective, you could be a member at WA for 200 years for this amount...and this goes for any education!
TJ Books Premium
I wish we could have spent more time with this fellow. We mentioned free websites for example but we didn't mention Squidoo where he could at least get some experience and it wouldn't cost him one penny. Tnx, Kyle. J
mama2karsten Premium
Great article as always
TJ Books Premium
I thank you. Pat thanks you. Georgia. who cares for Pat. thanks you. Georgia's goats, horses and chickens thank you. Many Thanks! John
This is true. I believe that there is a possible 80% increase once the OEP became a real possibility for individuals. I think that with hard work, anyone can succeed. A quick rich scheme without the proper way to go about achieving whatever goal one sets is only a recipe for disaster.

Based off what you said about this person who made it clear that No money is required, I can only assume this guy just took what he wanted from the 10 day program and off you go.

It's more required than just what Kyle and Carson put together on this site I think. I hope he finds what he is looking for in the end.
TJ Books Premium
Thank you, but he has a long way to go and no finances to do it with. He can't continue here so he is going to be dead in the water. Tnx. John
Yeah, that's a sad reality for him indeed.
Minakshis Premium Plus
this is a comment
harrycurtis Premium
John: I have been saving your good advice on many topics. I don't know what you think of this website, or if you know about it but "work at home noscams" actually suggests a number of avenues where enough income (not huge but enough to cover the costs of setting up a domain, etc...) can be earned. harry
TJ Books Premium
http://www.workathomenoscams.com/ I guess. I brought it up but did not study it yet. But maybe if that fellow shows up on chat again, I can give him that to earn a few bucks. Tnx. John
Shawn Martin Premium
You are spot on John. I have to agree that the add does say WA offers everything you need is included in your membership and they do deliver on ways of covering that, but it sure helps when people like you hang out in the chat room and help people when they get into situations like you described. keep up the good work!
TJ Books Premium
Thank you, Shawn. You know, when I'm in there trying to help, I learn so much. There is always more than one answer to a question and they can vary greatly in detail. I love it when I give the "obvious" answer and then Kyle or Carson or other member brings in the Big Guns of Internet Marketing. Great talking to you on chat! John