Helping Others Helps Us

Last Update: August 01, 2012
Last evening a young women came over the the house seeking help with the math she needs to learn to get her GED. I soon learned it was not what I would call math after suffering for years in math courses at the University of Utah. It was more like the stuff we learned in fifth grade. She had some fractions she was dealing with and rather than concentrating on the actual problems, I concentrated on her thinking. I soon had her head on straight fraction wise and she easily solved the problems.

My son’s father-in-law farmed 3000 acres of wheat and spuds next to the Craters of the Moon National Monument. When he sold it, he moved further north above Arco, Idaho. I was up there about two months ago. He has built a home and a great shed to store all the tractors and cars he has built over the years. I made a video of these which is on YouTube, go to

He is a fantastic mechanic, the best I have ever seen. He has been rebuilding engines for so long on his farm equipment, his hobby tractors and trucks and cars and motorcycles, and his airplanes that he is know as a super mechanic. He also has a big heart and farmers and others come into his shop lugging in some part that needs to be rebuild or repaired.

I have watched him perform his charitable deeds. He never does the repair completely by himself. He shows the person seeking help how to think so that he will not have to come back with the same problem later. After all, all these guys coming in with problems is time consuming. But he likes to help people.

Now what does he get out of all this? As far as I could see it was the satisfaction of doing it. But his wife told me something else. Whenever there is work to be done around his smaller acreage, out come all these farmers and others whom he has helped to help him do what needs to be done.

Kyle and Carson find joy in their work her because they can help others. As you know, I can’t stop writing so I spend some time trying to help our members. As it turns out, they end up helping me. You can’t imagine how much I have learned just because I was trying to help others.

When my sons and daughter were young, I told them to do things that were hard to do, things that others can not do. I told them that they should choose a profession that would help others so that they would be happy with their work. I told them to do something they liked to do. So we have two doctors, a vet, an attorney and my daughter is an RN and professional portrait artist. They work long hours but they enjoy what they are doing because they are always helping others.

So, when we help others, we help ourselves.

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Labman_1 Premium
I always enjoy reading what you have to say. Thanks for sharing.
TJ Books Premium
Your are more than welcome. John
rechest1 Premium
HI John,
You don't know me but I always enjoy reading your posts. They are honest and encouraging. Eric
TJ Books Premium
Thank you, Eric! Like your bike. When I came home from Korea I came home from work and there was by brothers"s Harley 74. Well before I went to Korea I use to ride a 90 cc job. So I hoped on and took off for work. I got about a half mile and took a turn too wide. I ended up with the front wheel on the front of a porch. Most every house on that steet had a a medal bar in front, a kind of fence. The house I hit didn't. I was more careful going hone after work.
Lou rael Premium
Nicely written John, I firmly believe that being able to help others is the true meaning of wealth and success.
TJ Books Premium
When you are in the service of your fellow man you are only in the service of your God. John
sararcunha Premium
Hi John,
Wise words! So true what you just wrote. :)
TJ Books Premium
Thank you, Sara. John
TJ Books Premium
I hope you enjoy this blog. More than that, I hope it encourages you to help other members here at WAU, the Place to Learn to Earn. John