Do You Need a Business Plan

Last Update: July 23, 2012
Today I put up three articles on business plans for affiliate marketers. Do you think you need a business plan? Most affiliate marketers don’t. But if affiliate marketing is a business, which it is, then you should consider preparing an business plan. This goes for old and new business plans. I’m sure that Kyle and Carson have a business plan for their businesses. They are business men.

When I was running R & D and some engineering for a Fortune 500 Company, we were always forming and revising business plans. I always planned for five years ahead. It didn’t concern me how the company responded to my planning. The important thing was for me to know where we were headed. I had to know which R & D and engineering projects to pursue. We were building new factories and each one had its own set of problems and challenges My people had to help solve those problems and overcome the obstacles to progress.

If you go to your local Chamber of Commerce and tell them you want to start a new business, they will give you the local resources to get the information you need to get started. Your state and its educational institutions have programs to help you get started. And what is the first thing you will hear about? You guessed it. It is the Business Plan.

We are all in business here. So, let’s try to be like business people and do what they do to assure they will be successful.

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paci Premium
I have been involved in this IM business just over year for now and made my
planning about two months ago. :) Live and Learn...
Good post again TJ, thanks
John this sounds good on paper... the problem I have is I have yet to see an Internet Marketing business plan from anyone. The Chamber just looks at you dumbfounded like deer in headlights when you ask for a sample to follow. That said a clear plan of action is a good thing to have and one I must admit I am some what lacking at the moment so it is definitely on my task list.
TJ Books Premium
That's why I wrote the three articles I guess. But it is just a business plan and you have to fill in the details for your business.
Links to samples?
Linda Fedun Premium
I'm starting a cleaning business, so I know the importance of a business plan. It's funny how I didn't think to apply it to my website.
TJ Books Premium
So you know what I mean. A BP is a tool that can dreams into realities. John
TJ Books Premium
Oh, yes I do, Wayne!
WayneBPK Premium
You dont even what to see mine John .. lol