Old Duffer Still Learning HIs ABCs

Last Update: August 04, 2012
The more I use Kyle's alphabet soup with JAAXY, the more I like that method. Read it at http://www.jaaxy.com/blog/alphabet-soup-the-most-comprehensive-keyword-research-technique/

When Google Suggest brings up keywords from their data base, take heed. These are the keywords being used by searchers. You old guys know that, but I'm talking to our general population some who just got here in the last few days. I always try to greet new members if I can find them and give them a hand on CHAT. So bare with me.

So you put Internet Marketing in the Google search box and what comes up? Now, put Internet Marketing M in the search box. I got::

Internet Marketing Manager
Internet Marketing Magazine
Internet Marketing Masters Degree
Internet Marketing Manager Salary

Now I go to JAAXY and get my "awesome" keywords. Now we can use ainternet marketing and a internet marketing and the internet marketing and we will get some more keywords.

But Wait! There are more vowels to be used from the beginning. The vowels according to my elementary school teacher are A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y and W. Note that the first vowel in our search results is A. Well what about E and the rest of the vowels?

Putting Internet Marketing Me into the Google Suggest machine I get

IM Metrics
IM Membership
IM Methods
IM Mentor

Note that Google is bringing up keywords according to popularity not alphabetically. You can repeat this with other vowels but forget W unless you are in the Welch language. Look closely at the suggested keywords. What keywords are being left out and are they any good for us as Internet Marketers?

Well, that is why I use JAAXY!

Internet Business Tool Center

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splashduck Premium
Thanks John, I'm just starting to get this now and incorporating it with my use of Jaaxy. Helps me get in touch with what keywords people are actually using when searching:)
TJ Books Premium
Kyle is a good teacher iand inspites us to expand. Tnx. J
splashduck Premium
Yes, for sure:)
Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks for the tips John!
TJ Books Premium
You ae welcome, Shawn. J
jespinola Premium
Excellent Information John
TJ Books Premium
Hola, Jorge! ¿Qué has estado haciendo? No he oído hablar de ti por algún tiempo. Gracias! J
jespinola Premium
John he estado ocupado en algunos proyectos!! Gracias por preguntar cuando tenga listo los proyectos te lo haré saber
TJ Books Premium
Renni Premium
Nice post, John!
TJ Books Premium
Renni, you are such a great friend! Tnx. John
TJ Books Premium
Kyle, make sure I'm OK on this. John