My Poetic Chat Greeting

Last Update: August 12, 2012
It seems that I'm attracted by the Chat Magnet. This morning I sent the following greeting:

Hello, My friends
Who mingle here,
And you across the seas.
Good tidings from
Potato Land where
Niches grow on trees.

It fascinates me when Dean is there from Finland and a few others from overseas. What is more interesting is to watch Members Helping Members.

It turns out that we "helpers" know all the answers but we don't always understand the questions. That is when Kyle or Carson comes in and blows are minds with his knowledge.

Another thing that pleases me is that there are no "know it alls" on Chat. Even Kyle and Carson say that they continue to learn.

Now that does amaze me.

Our business is one of continual educations, and it should be,as in the business world of Process Quality Control, one of continuous improvement.

It may seem that some of us spend a lot of time on Chat when we could be building a website, writing an article or send out a blog from one of our sites. Actually, most everyone there is doing something else at the same time, perhaps reading a tutorial or watching one of Jay's fantastic WAbinars. I think his should be JAYbinars.

Jay is often on Chat helping others he is a kind and very knowledgeable member as so many there are.

So, we should all use Chat and we should watch for new members so that we can welcome them and give them a hand. I get quite a few PMs from members, some old and some new. I was a professor for eight years in the College of Engineering at Iowa State University (1966-1974) so I love to teach. I always learn from those who PM me, old or new.

Cast your bread upon the waters: for you shall find it after many days. Bible

Money has never been a motivation for me at WAU. I took care of money matters years ago and we have not run out of money after 18 years of retirement. In fact, I have about the same amount of money as I had when I first retired. I am not going to buy a yacht so I don't need extra money. I do have high expenses for my wife but a young man said I needed long-term care insurance years back to keep the state from taking my money if Pat or I had to have special care.

So, I'm mainly here as a hobby although I do continue to build sites and do what Dean and Jay and Bev and Wayne and George and Kyle and Carson suggest. I like to experiment around and to do some testing. I love to write so I write too many articles. I will probably have 200 at StreetArticles by the end of the week. I have close to 1000 on the net.

I also love JAAXY and I love to play with it to find those "awesome" keywords. If I get bogged down, I go to and find a bunch of words and then go back to JAAXY and end up with hundreds of keywords. I have so many keyword list that it looks like the Library of Congress.

Sometimes we old men can just not shut up.

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BIS Premium

I really enjoy reading what you have to say (except of course when you call me Bev!) and I love your poetry.

You're right - it's so good to be on a continuous learning journey. I always find it odd when people tell me they're bored with learning.

I too am a keyword hoarder. Jaaxy is great!
TJ Books Premium
Glad I didn't forget you, Beverly. Tnx for your comments and your help and your kiindness. J
TJ Books Premium
If I left you out, add your name here! John
TJ Books Premium
And Welchy, How could I do that. J
TJ Books Premium
Darn, I left out BIS Beverly. Sorry! J
BIS Premium
You didn't leave me out - you called me Bev - unless there is someone else called Bev I don't know about!
TJ Books Premium
For more of my "poetry" go to John