Linky Dink Traffic Method

Last Update: July 12, 2012
I read on a forum about a tricky way to get traffic. Some folks must be desperate.

Here is the method: You put a link to a site on your site and give it a click. Then you remove the link.

So far, so bad.

Now when the second site owner looks at the sites that have linked to his or her site using Google Analytics or such, he wants to know what the site linking to him is like. So he takes a look.

Now he can't find his link on the original site because it is gone. But he does give the original site a very good look over.

So, Mr. Linky Dink has a way to drive traffic to his site.

Really sounds silly to me.

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kyle Premium Plus
You are going to live a very sad existence in the online world if you use this as your technique to get traffic lol. Sounds like some of the products GURU's are selling these days...
TJ Books Premium
We must watch where we step in the Meadow of Life, Kyle. John
slayton1s Premium
lol, wow. That's kinda sad if you ask me. I have a sneaky suspicion webmasters aren't really interested in checking out other sites & buying from them. Just pick a good niche, find a couple great keywords, and go from there. I believed I've found the niche for me after working on my I.M. site for seemingly forever and I firmly believe I'll have 1/4 of a million traffic at least once it's rolling. New topics, good keywords, Google, social media, article directories, forums related to your niche, and so on are just 1 of the many ways of getting real traffic.
TJ Books Premium
I took a look at your three listed sites. Cougar surprised me. Some like that certainly attracts attention. I've been paying a little more attention to forums. Tnx. John
mama2karsten Premium
I'm laughing...
TJ Books Premium
Me, too! John
yessharon Premium
That's a silly dilly. I wonder how many times I have fallen for that trick?
TJ Books Premium
Well, Sharon, it must be common. I'm always behind the times. Tnx. John
What happened to scruples? Are they in short supply? Thanks John
TJ Books Premium
Your horses? Tell me about them. Great looking critters. Scruples is a funny word. It makes me think of something to grab a bit of bean dip. Tnx, Meredith. I just put up a new tutorial for what it is worth to you. It's about those bumps in the road. John
Maybe that's where people's scruples went, to Beans! Or, to beans in a hand basket. It's getting late & I'm getting silly...sorry.