Adios Amigos!

Last Update: August 18, 2012
Adios, Amigos!

This is to inform my friends at Wealthy Affiliate University that I will no longer be active. After over four (4) years here, I will no longer be writing tutorials, blogs and chatting. I will be coming to the site to service my websites.

My son has instructions not to close my membership until I die.

I will be answering PMs as I will check the forum when I'm on the site.

Kyle, Carson, Jay, Dean, Meredith, Renne, Beverly, George, Wayne and so many others of you have been kind and helpful to this old man, I give thanks. If I get into trouble, I may be after answers from you. But I won't be bugging you as much.

I have written my last article. I have over 200 on street and a total of almost 1000 on other article sites, mostly on EZA. But it takes more time to write an article now and I tend to read over my errors. I will be writing on my lenses and sites.

Well, Carson and Kyle, I never quite passed you in the ratings and I was not trying. I just noticed one day that I had jumped to Number 8. For the time being I am at Number 3. I hope that means I have been a good contributor and not too much of a nuisance. I loved visiting your city and seeing your wonderful mountains. It was the last long trip my wife as able to take but the images are in my head as if we were there yesterday.

My email address is Feel free to use it. I am in contact with some less active members around the globe. I hope to stay in contact with you.

Kyle and Carson, you are the greatest!

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jespinola Premium
My dear friend john, my mentor. I will miss you.. you are a very contributor. i hope to talk with you as soon as possible
TJ Books Premium
Hasta mas tarde! Gracias!
ronamo Premium
Darn John, you will be really missed here at WA by all especially myself. Take care of yourself and if I can ever be of any assistance, don't hesitate to ask.
TJ Books Premium
You are very kind. Tnx
clouiter Premium
Hate to see you go.
TJ Books Premium
Thank you! John
reefswimmer Premium
Gosh you, you will be missed here ! and thx for giving us your yahoo address. You are a great contributor.

a hui hou (Hawaiian version of see you later)
TJ Books Premium
Thank you, Dear Lady!
gud Premium
You will be missed, good luck.
TJ Books Premium
To you also. Tnx