Is This Just Another Scam

Last Update: July 10, 2012
Is This Program a Scam

One of the techniques used by Internet Marketers is to write a post or article called: Is the ABC Money-Making Program a Scam? Marketers know that there are hundreds of searches made everyday for “a scam.” JAXXY says over 60,000 searches each month or a couple of thousand a day.

I use the technique. I get good response to such and ad. I catch the readers eye and then I tell him why the program I am pushing is not a scam.

But there are many scams out there. Some are repeats of old scams, using old testimonials and even imaginary persons to promote them: “I’m a stay-at-home mom with four kids but I earn $4800.00 every month by working only 2 or 3 hours a day.”

Spams are spotted by the “spam spotters” all the time on the Internet. You often will get reports on the owner, the trouble he has been in or is still in, reports on legal actions and actions by the Chamber of Commerce.

So the Old Man is telling you to use the scam techniques to promote good programs and make a deep study into any program that you are interested in. As they say, “If it sounds too good to be true, it is too good to be true.”

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@RICH. Premium
Interesting piece, John. Unfortunately it seems like hundreds of members have taken the opportunity to create wa+scam pages and then go on to promote WA's virtues with dozens of such listings which end up looking like nothing more than reverse-psychology scams in themselves! I almost didn't join, I certainly wasn't going to authorise my FB account to WA, so I waited until someone I knew had taken up the 10 day offer with one of his defunct FB accounts. He suggested to me that it was worth a look so I joined up for a month to check WA out. What I've found here is worthwhile to me, so I'm signing up for a year, but I accept that many of my associates aren't willing to subscribe to WA even after the 10 day free trial because of the red flags. :(
TJ Books Premium
Great response, Rich Kyle told me about the FB problem, why I'm not getting invites. The overload problem is a great point to ponder. I guess ti's best to stick to originality. Tnx! John
@RICH. Premium
John, please don't think I've a downer on WA, I don't and I certainly wouldn't be signing up for a year to a scam, would I? I'm hoping that I'm not either that thick or gullable! However, there are some issues which I'm comfortable discussing in public and others that I feel are best served as PMs to Kyle and Carson. I certainly don't want to argue in public but equally I just don't want to send people to WA and lose them because of things I believe could be adjusted to allay their unfounded fears. It is finally, of course, always entirely up to K&C what they're willing to accept or reject. It's their biz after all!
Shawn Martin Premium
Interesting take Rich. I had a feeling this was going to be the case with Facebook.
Thanks John. Nice Post.
TJ Books Premium
Sir Kevin of Devon, you are welcome. Every been to Devon? Torquay Bay is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Also the home of an old friend of mine who owns The Scam Free Zone which fits right in. John
Great Idea!! I will bank that away and use it when I get a little further down the internet marketing road.. Thx John
TJ Books Premium
Something to think about. Tnx. J
TJ Books Premium
You are welcome, Linda! John
Linda Fedun Premium
I've seen those scams out there, but never got tricked into them, by keying in is such and such a scam. This worked very well. I like your way of turning it around to get people attracted to your site. Thanks John for the idea.
sundcarrie Premium
Here is what I think of most of the things people are calling scams...if you actually can earn money by working hard with the program it is not a scam. I am saying that the program is not a scam the way it is advertised usually is a scam but if you don't read the fine print that usually says *these results are not typical* then shame on you. I am going to implement this "scam" technique on one of my sites. I like to be honest and tell people what pays out what does not and if you are essentially going to be working for 10 cents an hour. I think it is a great idea to capitalize on these searches.
TJ Books Premium
This comment box does not alway get to where it belongs. Depends if "Reply" shows up under the entry. But, SUNDCARRIE, you are right. Some scammy things are not completely false. You just don't need the "scam""program to pursue it.. Too often they sell what is free elsewhere on the Internet. I like your comment. Tnx. John