Sunday Morning Education

Last Update: July 01, 2012
My brother use to call the comics The Intellectual Page. Comics are the reason I take the newspaper. But is a good substitute.

And I want the news.

The New York Times site is best for me. So I could live without the “local rag” which is mainly about potatoes and cattle with a sprinkling of wheat.

Looking at these sites should give you a pretty good idea about what an information site should look like, The information you are looking for is easy to find. Look at the navigation on these sites.

Another thing to look at is how the sites are monetized. Are they?

Live and learn and have some fun while you are doing it.

Copying other people’s business models is a quicker way to grow your own business, isn’t it?

If there is one question we all have on our mind it is, How do you do that? Many an Internet marketer has started in just that way.

Knowledge is all over the place.

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This is awesome. will take your advice. thank you
Shawn Martin Premium
Funny, I check the exact things you are pointing out whenever I visit any site now. Does that mean I am hopelessly a marketer now? :)