Posts by Tport144 35
I have enjoyed fishing ever since I was very young. The anticipation while you wait for the tug on the line, the adrenaline rush when you feel the hit and while you fight the fish, the excitement when you land your catch...! Unfortunately, I'm not a very successful fisherman. I never catch anything consistently. I can be at a lake surrounded by other fisherman and watch them pull in fish after fish, but never get a bite. But I NEVER GIVE UP! I will go back week after week and try again
I missed my blog post yesterday so I'll have two posts today!I finally finished updating my WA promo page. I'm sure I'll go back and revise it again sooner or later, but at least it is current now! By the way, I learned yesterday that if I ever had to rely on my fishing skills to survive, I wouldn't last very long!
June 01, 2012
It's finally Friday! I have been waiting for this day all week =)I am going to stay simple today with my post about what I have learned. Mostly because I am REALLY tired. While I was typing up my rather long blog post yesterday, I realized that while I was typing up what I had learned, I was teaching myself even more! I kept going back over what I was typing and adding a bit more detail here and a bit more detail there. What was happening was that I was still learning about finding my ta
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Today I learned how to determine WHO I should target with my WA campaigns using the following technique: Step OneOne of the most important things to think about when choosing a target audience is to make sure you can relate to them. Since I am a working mom, I should NOT try to target young college students or stay at home dads. Trying to convince them that I know why they would do well starting their own Online Business. I made a list of my attributes: working mom, mother of a college stude
My resolution to write every day is helping me stay active with WA and encouraging me to participate in the WA community. The one thing that it is lacking, though, is a purpose. I can log in and write a blog post every day, but that is not quite the same as taking action to further my desire to have a successful Online Business.Here is my Master Plan to make sure I take action:I will write at least one blog post about what I have learned each day that will move me one step closer to my goals!W
It's the end of another long, exhausting day but I have to keep up the routine. I let life's obstacles come between me and my dream of building a successful internet business once before and I WILL NOT let it happen again. I will write every day, even if it is only a blog post. I will find ways to encourage myself when I start to feel down. I WILL DO IT!
A very wise person once told me that the trick to make writing easy is to begin by writing anything and everything. Random thoughts and ideas, recap of daily events, to-do lists, etc. Set aside a time every day to write things down, whether on a personal Blog, in a Word document or in a notebook, just write it down. After doing this consistently for a couple of weeks, you will find that you can sit down to write and the words will flow effortlessly from your fingertips! Why? Not only will y
I just logged into my account after about a year and everything is so different! I have to admit that I feel a little lost at the moment, but I am going through the tutorials and trainings to get back up to speed. The "new" WA is so amazing! I can't wait to dive back in and be a part of the community again!The only bad thing: My WA promotional website is SO outdated! I am going to have to give it a complete facelift this weekend. Funny thing is, after checking the stats on the affiliat
I was on target to be submitting 1-2 articles every day and keep on track for the 30 in 30 Challenge, then the water supply line to the toilet in our upstairs bathroom decided to pop.  Good news is, we heard it happen so damage was minimal, but there is damage.  3 days of water remediation, now we have to hire a contractor to replace the floor, ceiling and a light fixture that was turning into a water feature.  Oh well, I'll try to
I've been pushing myself to keep up with the Street Articles 30 in 30 Challenge.  I started bringing my laptop to work with me and writing an article during my lunch, which has been working out amazingly!  I started to fall behind a bit when my work load increased last week and I wasn't able to take a lunch, but I forced myself to write and submit 2 articles a day for the last 2 days to try to catch up.  I'm going to try to submit at least 5
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