Don't know much about IM...or anything else.

Last Update: May 31, 2010

Well, this is all Greek to me...hopefully not for long.  I am one of those skeptical ones wondering if this will mount to anything, but we have very little to lose, I think. I learned more about IM in last 48 hours than I have in all my life, and the information age is here to stay, so we may as well learn as much as we can.  I personally know people in their retirement age going back to work this year after losing their houses and money in the stock market.  They worked relentlessly for the last 30-40 years thinking they are set for life.... You see, they were executive, therapist, engineer and even financial advisor (ironic, isn't it?)  Fortunately, they were professionals and had easier time finding jobs again, but this told me one thing.  Who are you going to trust, regarding your future?  

I often tell my kids that money comes and goes, friends come and go, but the knowledge you obtain stay with you as long as you are alive (well, dementia may happen). But, it is not the knowledge that will set you free.  It is your spirit and passion.  But, so few of us achieve that, and wow, it is wonderful to see some who get there.   Oh yes, I am quite a preacher.  I used to be good at preaching, but now I am really good (after 2 kids).

Feed a man for a day, and he comes back the next day for more.  Teach him how to fish, and he will be eaten up by a shark. (My daughter came up with this). I add one more; stay home and do IM. It may do your pocket good.

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jatdebeaune Premium
You have to be so resourceful in this economic climate. Not only the stock market has caused people to lose money, but also entire industries have been damaged and haven't ben getting a lot of press. Many aren't going to come back the same way if at all. I could tell you stories. Reinvention!
maureenhannan Premium
...and he will be eaten up by a shark." LOL--so true. Just enough knowledge to get dangerous, eh? Thanks for the smile. :-)
Garage667 Premium
I just wanna wish you the best of luck and success here at WA!I believe that although you don't know at this time much about IM, you are on the right path.If you can combine what you learn everyday and put it all in action,the first results should be on their way!And if you need any help,feel free to contact me :) Don't forget that i speak the language(Greek) :))
Take care