Google Loves WordPress Pages VS. A Bunch of Posts!!

Last Update: December 28, 2010

Hello WA Buddies!

Firstly -- May this day find you well, energetic and ready to meet the challenges for coming New Year !

Secondly - I'd like to share a bit of news that will leave you feeling uplifted and encouraged.  In Internet marketing, there's a common tendency to think that there's only one way to proceed in Internet marketing.  This is not the case, although you can find more efficient action plans here at WA than you can elsewhere.  I'll tell you why.  In the WA WordPress Express tutorials, Carson mentions that it's important to add pages to your WordPress blogs VS. smattering a bunch of unrelated posts onto your blog.

Google Loves WordPress Pages VS. A Bunch of Posts !!

Here's why.  If you think strictly in terms of what anyone might see when they read your blog, the human tendency is to want easy-to-read content anyone can follow.  If you agree -- then your intuition is right on the button.  I'll explain further.  Google very much likes organized websites and blogs because sites will undergo Google review at the human level.  It stands to reason that if you place a post on it's own page (assuming that your content relates to other pages on your site but will not be identical), then the human eyes scanning that site will more likely approve of your site.  

Here's another major reason.  Think about a blog or a website you're viewing tor the first time.  Wouldn't it make simple sense to navigate pages containing related content VS. searching your confused way through a bunch of lumped posts?  If you've done this on your first few blogs, don't worry.  It's a common tendency to make this mistake when you're new to online marketing.  But..., your WordPress Express blog should be no different. 

* Can people follow what you're saying?

* Is your content easy to find?

* Are your pages carrying content someone would expect to find on your site?

* Do those pages integrate content from one post to another?  So be certain to review your websites with a discerning eye.  Include embedded links if necessary to ease site navigation.


EXAMPLE:  Chiropractors in Seattle, WA

Think about a chirorpractor living in your area.  This person has a brick and mortar business.  He/she might have other practitioners of various specialties working within that business.  What else would you expect to see on that website? 

* Pages for each chiropractor listing individual professional profites -- telling others what these people do.

* Pages listing related products like massage therapy or supplements...or related references.

* The more pages your site has, the more weight it carries with Google.  This weight will naturally boost your indexing level (in due time).

So if the chiropractor example makes sense, your WordPress Express blog or any other site you own may follow a similar setup.  Content can't be duplicated from one page to another because consumers won't be able to make sense of your site if this is the case.

If you own more than one website, you'll want to mix up the look and feel of your websites (so that they'll not all looking the same).  This approach helps you later monetize your sites going beyond affiliate marketing...say through the use of Adsense Ads, CPA's ..cost per action, and more.

Another Example:  Hair Salons in (City, State)

What would you expect to see on a hair salon website?  See if you can research a site and spell out all of the major points on that site.  When you do this, this specific information will help you organize your WA WordPress Express blog much better. 

If you want direct content ideas (and WordPress site layouts), check out other marketers here.  See if you can list the different topics Internet marketers will be clammoring to learn, and see if you can find ways to break your pages up into posts carrying clear content.  You would have pages going beyond Contact Us, Privacy Policy, About Me, Disclaimers.  Those are the starter pages.  Your content pages will specify each topic by individual interest consumers want.

If you also research some of the top WA marketers, also look at their sites to see how they organize their content and their pages.  You will most likely find more pages carrying a few posts on each page..., or you'll see 1 post per page carrying clear content).

If you solve this riddle well, Google will love you for it.  They'll also rate you blog highly (through high indexed results appearing in the organic traffic section -- free or natural traffic) so that people will more easily find you !

Please feel free to offer comments and/or suggestions in the event this post doesn't make sense.   The goal is to share insights, provoke more efficient thoughts leading you into clearer actions and results!

Toasting Your Success Online Using Proven Internet Marketing (IM) Means,




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lovin_life67 Premium
Thanks for the good info.
jatdebeaune Premium
Good info, as usual. Thanks Barbara. Happy New Year!
DABK Premium
If you need further proof, look up one of your sites' ranking in Then add 10 pages and look at your rankings again.
Jamie Smith Premium
I agree with your blog Barbara, good stuff!