How I Got Started Online

Last Update: March 19, 2010

Hello Fellow WA Buddies!

Welcome back.

Today I'd like to address something very big to us all. It's money. How do you get started when you're juggling so much activity in busy life?

That's why I'm writing this post.

I'm sharing personal experiences to tell you that earning money from home is VERY REAL, but it starts with a few key essentials.

Internet marketing and network marketing online is great because:

1) can work from home

2) here's the challenging part -- you've got to tackle the work yourself

3) yes..., you're rotating a lot of work (kids, a job, your home, endless sports or music lessons, education for your children, education for yourself, bill paying..., and more).

Here's What I Do To Get Work Done

1) Be patient. Focus on what you can do instead of what you can't do. Spend 1 - 2 hours a day learning and implementing, even if your earliest implementation doesn't seem right.

Incorrect action taken is far more superior than no action taken at all.

2) Keep in mind that you won't build a viable business overnight. Viable business is much like building long-lasting wealth.  It takes time to save, invest, and reinvest those earlier profits. It's the same with your business. Early money must be put back into the business to grow it further.

3) You must be very, very persistent.  Be so hard-headed that your friends will think you've lost it.  In truth, they're sitting still and you're moving forward, one baby-step at-a-time.

The smallest baby-steps added together translate into a quantum leap in life ! This is how the living master proceed.  They focus on the small things they can do daily, and then these masters repeat the process day-in-and-day-out. They never give up.

Take time out to regroup and rest.  Then.., continue your work.  The only ones who don't make it in this industry are the ones who quit.

Failure is an illusion.  It just seems real when you're banging your head against the wall.  In truth, the smallest set-backs in Internet marketing are the paving stones that will lead you towards your real success.  No kidding.

The ones who keep their work going strong are the ones who hit the target.  They don't miss.  They can't  miss because in due time, they put the real puzzle pieces together.  That's why there are people here at WA.  Ask, share and learn.

Never assume you have all of the answers yourself.  It's a deadly mistake.

The best entrepreneurs and business owners are the ones who are constantly learning.  They're always picking other peoples' brains.

4) Find a mentor. HINT: You can find them here without shelling out thousands like I did..., just to find 4 people I could trust.

5) As I've repeatedly said in prior posts, you must form a network of buddies.  Buddies will save your life.  Those people who exchange information and problem-solve together are the ones who make it in this industry.  Never be afraid to reach out. 

6) Study everyone and everything to death.  I say this with humor..., because yes..., you've got to do this one thing.  Research.  Hop online and see what others are doing. Cut/paste campaigns for your own personal use, BUT NEVER COPY a campaign verbatem.  This will get you into hot water.  You can quote people and cite them.  You won't want to use their keywords because if you cut/paste someone's campaign, you don't know how they optimized their sites for easy Google indexing.  You don't know if they're leveraging mainly pay-per-click advertising or if they're using article marketing for starter purposes. 

7) One of the biggest challenges for Internet marketers and even offline marketers is that they must invest a huge amount of time building a solid, solid skillset.

For Network Marketers -- You've got to find quality information helping you build a  sterling communication skillset. I'm not talking about slapping together a presentation and filming it from your car..., and I'm not suggesting you work without some type of script..., whether you're placing that script into the ad copy of a website or using that script for a phoning presentation. It doesn't matter. The point is that you must master your words before you use any communication medium (phone, automated Internet, article writing, press releases, UTube videos, etc.).

For Affiliate Marketers -- Find quality information.  You've got to continously educate yourself about online business. 

The problem is solved when you use Wealthy Affiliate resources. This resource will aid both types of marketers in finding their optimal stride.

8) Take care of your health.

9) Pace yourself.

10) Start with a simple blog like Word Press. It's easier to set up than blogger is, especially if you don't have industry jargon stored and sorted in your head.

11) If you take a look at the links I've posted on the right-hand side of my blog titled, "sites", you'll see a variety of blogs. I just started publishing content without an audience. I researched what others were doing online, and then I started to write my own content.

12) Start with one blog and then another. Over time, you'll get more ideas as you implement. The key thing is to publish your name online. This will begin to draw people to you on the basis of matched mind and market preference.

13) Don't give up. If you spend your first year or two years learning, this is more common than you will know.  Internet marketing demands study before you work with the public.  This is true because you've got to master a few basic skills before others will start to follow you.

14) How to find out what you should market has more to do with aligning your natural abilities and talents to fill in a market gap. The highest paid marketers ask their lists (people sitting in their autoresponders) what they're looking for. Then..., these marketers quickly set out to find real solutions for common problems.

I'll give you one example...leading us to what's called...

A Self-Funding Proposal

If you have a lot of people hopping onto the Net and they want to work from home but they're not yet making money, how do you solve that challenge as a marketer? 

You offer people what's called a "self-funding proposal".

Self-funding proposals help you earn money online right now while you're setting up the cost-related infrastructure on the back end (helping you automate your business).

You can find these proposals in affiliate marketing or in network marketing, but you'll have to apply yourself daily. The way to do this is to pick a superaffiliate you truly like and believe in, market their products/services, and work with them to build your list (i.e. -- your list of contacts opting into your free report or free monthly newsletter). This is the most common way Internet marketers (both affiliates and network marketers) attract wiling buyers. The smartest network marketers use affiliate products and services to fund their residual income.  They get paid today so that they can play the game over the long run.

So...., a self-funding proposal pays for your early business costs while you're looking for ways to learn new skills allowing you to get higher pay. The most common need for newbies is to earn a minimum of $800/month covering earliest business costs (like domain registration and hosting, website set-up, paid training, home-business setup, and Internet connection).

You should not be paying any more than about $120/month to meet your most basic Internet marketing needs: WA membership + autoresponder use + domain hosting + long-distance phoning (if you're an MLM'er).

I'll stop here to let you digest what I'm sharing.

If any of you have questions, please feel free to reach out and ask. There are a lot of us working 24/7 to serve your most pressing needs.  If one of us can't get to you right away, it's because we're helping a lot of people and we're also working on our automation.

And..., as Kyle stated in his recent blog for today, Internet marketers are some of the most ethical people you'll ever meet.  That's true because in order to last online for any length of time, you can't shortcut consumers. 

Supporting Your Success Using Proven Marketing Means,




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Peedsbornagain Premium
Great Insight ... thanks a lot for the valuable information ... and motivation ... I m adding u in moi Buddy list .. cos need to learn from the best here ... I am gonna make this happen ... dont care if it takes the rest of my life doing IM ... love IM Cheers
jatdebeaune Premium
I appreciate your blogs because they are generous and full of useful information. I even read them over a couple times. Thanks.
Slugger_mn Premium
Good And Helpful, and honest(: Thanks Good Read(: