Preparing Yourself To Win Online

Last Update: March 14, 2011

Welcome Back WA Buddies!

Today's post addresses building confidence online when you're in the throws of building your business.  I will reference a prior post..."What's the highest paid position on the planet"? 

It can be Internet marketing.

Your success has everything to do with marketing yourself successfully while you blend online business with closing business.  It means that as a new marketer, you will spend time learning about your target audience.

Then.. you will spend considerable time stepping into the minds of your target audience. this is the best way to zero in on an audience willing to pay for what you'll offer.  It means that you must be alert and know what your audience wants and will be willing to purchase, despite their skepticism or even price objections.

Hire Help

To let you in on a little secret, I continuously hire a handful of marketers to guide me. That way, there's very qualified help available.  That's how I'm sharing content here.  It's designed to help you find your way out of the dark...once you have some key insights.  

You can hire the slightest help (like at WA) so even when you're working on a very small budget.  The best way to do that here is to set up your network inside of WA!  It costs you nothing but time to do this.

I work with some top marketers in the Internet Marketing/Telecommunications industry...not to brag..., but simply to offer you ongoing support.

Internet marketers...when very qualified with specific skills, can win. They win big.  Many are millionaires...but they didn't start there...nor did it happen as fast as many Internet marketing websites might suggest.


When you are building your campaigns, you will hit walls.  It's a given...but what moves you into "elite" realms is that fact that you will remain dedicated to your success.

What successful business owners know is this --

...when they are in early phases of business building..., they know that as long as they keep moving forward by taking action, they will create that success.  It often happens once you develop a steady following of people who want to work with you.  It is only a matter of time and persistent effort.

If you have ever read "The Secret"... and harnessing the Laws of Attraction..., your success will have everything to do with the actions you take...consistently done...helping others...and repeating that effort.

Conversely..., if you are spending time doing everything other than what you should be doing, you are not yet prepared to put in 110%.

Challenges prepare you to build on your discipline so that you can offer others the steady support they will demand..., but you can do so by leveraging your network of people who are specialized in one or two skills.  This is a very important part of find people you can trust to deliver on what they say they will do.

Internet marketing can be one of the highest paid careers on the planet but your success will have much to do with accessing an action blueprint you can trust most.  The WA Action Plan requires time.  I access WA as often as I can.  I refer back to basics when I'm really not getting something straight.

Once you have some general basics going, you will most likely learn how to construct ad messages that are more effective.  It comes from some trial and error learning.  When you learn how to write very effective messages, still keep in mind that your win's will at first be low.  Over time, it will build into success you can see and rely on.  It's about writing messages leading others to you.

Study how Kyle & Carson write their messages..inside of emails...over at US Free Ads..., Google...MSN.  Doing so will show you how they're implementing what they're teaching inside of WA.

To get to the point where you're closing sales will take time.  You're building skills you can use daily so this will be another testing phase.  Some people take time to feel okay with presenting an idea, offering a presentation...and then closing the deal.  If you can follow the WA Action Plan, you will see that Kyle & Carson outline core steps.  A campaign works when it adheres to the thought processes people naturally have online.

Working Numbers

Marketing can be a numbers game.  Even in realms connected to telecommunications or even network marketing, it's about working the numbers.  You will win in small percentages at first.  As you become more credible online, more people will close themselves so you won't have to "work so hard to get the close".

I rely on concrete targets built into my action plan.  These are mathematical numbers that spell out which action takes what it's stated online to move traffic...and how I then close a transaction. 

So look for ways to answer these questions.  I'm planting seeds in your mind so don't worry if anything will take hold yet.  When you are ready, you will remember what I'm suggesting here.

Specific numbers called targets... help you work the Law of that as you go through say...100 prospects, you know that with a smooth delivery, you can close 2 - 3% of the time.  Don't let those smaller numbers bother you.  In many industries, major fortunes are made out of 1% profits (citing stores...for example).  At gas stations, they're profit margins may be as high as 10%...but in Internet marketing, it's far better once your campaign has most kinks worked out. 

Telcommunications or NOT?

WA does not advocate use of the phone so they have people handling support.  Your plan, whichever one you choose to implement might involve the phone, or not, depending on how well you build on your online campaign.  I cite the WA blog & funnel.  It's all done for you.  Your job is to figure out what people are after in a full line-up of challenges/problems.

How Your Success Unfolds Is Up To You

If you are searching for others to spell out how your success should happen, there are many credible marketers online.  Some will know.  Others will not.   I cite WA often because they're so good at giving us all what we need...thoroughness and access to a network we need to build a thriving business.  They offer great support!

Kindly keep in mind...:

1) If you aren't working the WA plan, use caution.

There are many plans online that don't work so well.  There are some that do.  The key is to access the best people in the industry.  

If you choose a marketing plan, it has to work for those who implement it fully.

At WA, they are building key elements (like Street Zines) to help you obtain the necessary indexing, page rank, etc.  for your WA Blog or website.  You have the chance to publish content under any category you wish.  You can write in several categories.

If you're not sure what kind of content you should publish, WA has a wealth of information the forums or through the WA networks.  It's some of the best content you could ever hope to find.  I cite the superaffiliate content you see appearing in the marketing reports by industry name (gaming, web hosting, weight loss).

When you build your own WordPress blog, it can turn into a big website over time.  We call this building an authority website.  It can eventually have 100's or even 1,000's of pages of posted content....but even if you're moving slow...just keep the work going.  In time, you will solve many of your challenges.

You will some of my posts...I miss the boat.  In others, I give people more of what they want...if it means giving them insights or support.  The back end of your campaign will carry landing pages leading people to specifically targeted offers.

I highly recommend that you keep your WA membership going.  It is one of the strongest memberships related to Internet marketing available anywhere.

There are blueprints online written by companies not suited to individual business.

At WA, they focus on your individual progress.  Sure..., you can market WA...or you can market anything you desire.  What you're after are the A, B, C steps you see outlining any major campaign.  Again..I pick a marketer I like the most and then I look for as much of their work as I can find online.

A)  landing page or main web page

B) simple message

C) data capture  (obtaining names and emails of people wanting more information from you)

D)a free report (so people will opt-into your newsletter)...and follow-up leading others into your newsletter through A-Weber

E) closing (product page)


To Determine What You'll Ultimately Market

2) Move a product or service where you know a lot about the topic ...where you can more readily see the problems your target audience will face.  When you know what their ailments are, your solutions for pay will closely outline and adhere to their challenges.

In Internet marketing, there is a major shift still happening online.  At Google, they hire Ph.D.'s to work there.  It's a challenge for us all to know what they want...but I believe that Kyle & Carson know what's needed.  To make a long-term go at online business, you must offer very unique, high quality content.  Then..., be willing to develop that content as you see how people are evolving.  This isn't always obvious...but the good news is that when you are completely jazzed about whatever you are marketing, you will find ways to stay in the game.

Positive Attitude Is Important

Your attitude and mindset will be a major key connected to your wins.  I cite Internet marketing as the main example. 

  • If it means moving physical products that are already online, this is a great way to build a business. 
  • If it means moving digital information (as in Strip That Fat), you will need many campaigns running over time. 
  • It might mean finding ways to build Adsense income
  • Or identify how to get paid on your website in many ways (say where someone fills out a survey that generates a lead for a specific company).
  • Many companies do not teach others how to generate qualified leads so if you're really adept at writing ad copy for a specific market audience, you can generate leads that can be sold for as much as $50/lead (real estate leads, for one).

Maintain Your Vision

3)  If it means working another job as you learn what's involved here, it will come.

  • Build your time line for success but try not to be so critical of yourself if you feel that your progress isn't moving as fast as you would like. 
  • Sometimes..., we have to learn other skills before we can be entirely ready for our businesses.
  • Try not to compete with other people.

If you know beyond doubt that there's plenty of business to go around for everyone involved, there's no major loss or real competition odd as this may seem.

If you are spending more money than earning it, slow down spending.  Stick to a budget. Pause your campaigns (ppc) if you're not sure what's happening.  Don't rule out your progress even though you're not yet closing business.  It may mean that you're still working out kinks in your system.

Your success will be built on the way you handle yourself and attract others to you then relate to those people.  Confidence is a major key. 

It takes time to build relationships.

You will win and you will have losses...but minimize your risks when you pull in the WA Action Plan.  They spell out much in greater detail.

3) Keep your work going even at times even when you not entirely sure how you'll create your success. The key is to keep your business costs as low as possible while you're building into other profits.

I cite "The Secret"...if you've ever read it's basic contents, it's about pre-framing your mind so that you're prepared to win.  It's not about  using the Law of Attraction to build wealth in your name only without giving something back to other people.  When you master this understanding, focus what you've accomplished for the day.

It might mean writing a free report...or building one page on your website.

It might only mean you've formed 1 post for the day.

It might mean that you've read more information online that you'll later pull into  your own published content ...citing Street Zines.

Your success will appear when you begin to impact other peoples' lives for the better, helping them make the improvements in life they want most.

As you take continuous action, you'll attract more information to help you build your business to the next level...and events will come your way to teach you more about what's needed.  This will help you move forward in ways your mind could not anticipate.

Spend some time daily seeing what others do...notice how they structure their websites...notice how they work their blogs...see how they advertise themselves.  You will learn a lot by doing this.

4) Believe in yourself.

There's a level of confidence you establish as you continue taking baby steps forward. 

You will have times where you'll hit walls. 

Even when you're getting paid, you may not yet know how to grow your business further.  Answers come with persistence.

You'll have times where you'll feel like you're only striking dirt rather than "pay dirt".  At those points, you are making progress but you're most likely building  on your present skills needed to make everything work. 

I cite websites that get you indexed and are of growing interest to people, ongoing article marketing, writing several press releases, and establishing what your own "octopus" ...or tentacles in  your business must be.  Think about the arms on an octopus. 

  • One arm is article marketing. 
  • Another may be some ppc with Google and Yahoo. 
  • Another might involve ad messages appearing on peoples' hand held-devices. 
  • Another arm might include UTube videos designed to bring in more traffic.
  • Another involves testing a few of your blogs for 1 campaign to see which one converts traffic better.

These actions get the word out about who you are.

All of your effort involves generating what are called positioned leads.  That means that when your ad copy message is very strong, others will see you as a leading authority and expert.  That way, people will know who you are..., they'll want you.. because they'll know that you're offering solid value. They will be specifically sifted and sorted to match your offers.

When people tell you "no" to any offer, it's because the marketer has not yet built in value or developed the relationship.  That's the only reason why people say "no".   They don't say "no" to price simply to say no.  They're telling you... "you haven't yet given me what I demand".  Once you build in value, you can move any product at any price.

Successful business is about helping the person on the other end solve a real problem.

5) There will be times where you'll work...and you'll get few results.

This outcome has to do with you building on your core skills so that people can find you they search on the keywords leading to your campaign.  So we call this indexing...say under an organic listing (where your leads are free).

Your name is very powerful. 

If you marketing..then it's about marketing your name behind anything you do online. 

If you market affiliate marketing, you will most likely market an alias name.

When you are experiencing frustration daily, it means that you're either not finding the information you need to answer a plaguing question yet...or you're still developing a core skill (competency).

Success comes from within.

You are often told that if you buy "just the right thing" that you'll be successful...when in reality, your business success will have more to do with listening carefully to other peoples' needs, asking them what they want, and then finding solutions they will be happy the value they desire.

When you become a true expert in your field, you can move anything at any price.

6) Having specific campaign steps set up so that they flow in a natural order is important because it gives people what they crave most offered at the right time...and it gives Google what they want (happy buying experiences for people searching for you).

The WA plan builds on and improves natural thoughts shoppers have.

They have a need..., they enter a keyword during a search.., and you pop up (for that keyword phrase).

So your blog and/or website appears for a low competitive keyword phrase (where you can dominate that market)...rather than a host of other competitors appearing. So whatever you pick and ultimately market, you will need to find a unique marketing angle others will respond to.

I cite..."The Secret".  All Rhonda Byrne really did was spell out in very general details how the Law of Attraction worked.  She added a bit of mystery and some amazing images, see tapped into a network that would promote her, and she built her website around the success of that book.  If you follow her website, you will see it evolving slowly over time.

When you find that unique selling proposition (USP) Mark Joyner outlines in his Simpleology website (that has free stuff on it), you will hit a market that craves your products/services.

That's when you'll begin to stand out.

7) Your campaign will most likely have a blog...matching a website that marries to that blog...with the data capture included so that people can opt-into your WA Mad Marketing coursework or free report leading them to a full back end campaign.

So if you're new to WA, data capture means that you're getting names and emails from people who opt-into your newsletter.  They then give you permission to communicate with you on an ongoing basis. This is what you're initially after.

Your success is connected to phases of success in your business.

You'll spend time testing your website messages until you hit "hot topics".

You'll spend time testing your blog until you zero in "on systems people most likely want most" setting up an award winning blog...or writing an effective sales pulling UTube video.

When those basics are in place, your creativity will come into play further as you begin to trust yourself.  You will begin to differentiate yourself from many others, and you will begin to dominate your market.

This stuff may sound ominous..but in reality, once you've established mastery in your own right, people will come to you.

If you can make people laugh, you can inspire a decision, plant a seed later leading to other decisions, and then you'll inspire the purchase.

8)  Building confidence.

This is one of those things that comes with time, repeat effort, interaction with others, and improving yourself so that you can offer others what they want. 

If it takes you as long as it takes to create the "win's"...that's OK.  

People tend to look for shortcuts online...but if their minds are not ready to meet ...very large demand, they are not set up to take the load (traffic), deliver pdf's, and deliver support/and back end products being marketed.

So you want your confidence to lead you to answers helping you fill in gaps. This comes with repeated effort, time, interaction, learning, making mistakes, testing, and refining your campaigns.

Your campaign will be an ongoing process.

Think in terms of selling picks and shovels to the public (the stuff they need for continued purchasing).  When you've done this, you've basically figured out how your business will work well.

The more you are out there, the better you will become at connecting with the public. 

The best way to build a campaign is to make mistakes, not take your process so seriously so that you're gripped "with analysis"..., and find ways to take action so you can handle business on your own.

Let me know if this helps by leaving a posted comment.

Keep Your Thoughts Very Positive

Finally remember...when you challenge negative thoughts about your success, you can change your reality by rewriting them in positive ways.  This is a very powerful exercise needed to create a stronger financial reality.

Toasting Your Success, Absolutely !



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wandah Premium
Great blog. Success is made out of one step at a time and never never never quitting.
thanks for the encouraging words.