This Is About You

Last Update: November 04, 2009

Dear WA Buddies,

Posts made on this blog will be directed solely towards meeting your needs as Internet marketers, talking about all aspects of IM while showing you how to build a business in 4 developmental stages (launch, growth, maturity, to perhaps eventual sale of that business).

If I may have a few minutes of your precious time today, I will tell you who and what I've been accessing these past 2 years at WA.

Successful Internet marketing means first saving your money for the critical business needs. You want to save wherever you can to then put your money back into covering your earliest costs. 

What's neat about becoming an IM'er is that you can rely on your natural life skills! You can use prior life knowledge to generate early 'seed money' for your business. The clearest way to get this early money is to write articles for other people...and eventually help others with their pay-per-click advertising. Other advanced ways of getting paid well include writing ad copy (the copy you see on any site), creating blogs for other businesses, setting up a campaign infrastructure or even building a website for anyone who needs this important business element.

You can later put that money into the online tools you'll definitely need (like an autoresponder, a domain name, your WA dues, web hosting and maybe long-distance phoning). You shouldn't be paying more than $20 for your autoresponder, $8 a year for domain name hosting and $52 for web hosting...or you can get those items for free here, as long as you remain at WA. In Internet marketing, you don't necessarily need a phone. That's more of a business preference.

What You May Not Yet Know Will Save You --

1) We have a great need online for more affiliate marketers.

2) There's plenty of room for you to effectively compete and profit.

3) Kindly continue to track the superaffiliates within the WA site.

a) Marcus is very good resource.

b) Another active superaffiliate graduated from WA is Travis Sego. He's a highly successful marketer who will help you launch your business if you're working on a tight budget.

If you can't find Travis here at WA, enter a search under Bum Marketer. You should see Travis's name associated with that link. Why he's especially important to you if you're new to Internet marketing (or even seasoned), Travis gives you in-depth how to information serving every need connected to your IM campaign efforts. He can save you a fortune you'd otherwise spend in multiple thousands by going it alone. Travis does start you out with article marketing (because it's free). Better still - Travis gives you life-saving tips designed to keep your feet in the game!

4) Always consult with Kyle & Carson if you're not sure about anything. Do not assume you're not important enough to visit with these people because they are truly dedicated to your success.

5) Always use the forum to find valuable marketers who are mastered in different areas of IM. We usually become specialists, in one form or the other. Some people are great writers. Others are very technically saavy. Still yet, I'm meeting WA members who 'just seem to be naturals at keyword research...or using the tools well at this site' (a mystery for me as I continue to 'figure out how these things work'. Some of us have this knack. Some of us don't, and that's okay.

6) Always connect to buddies. I've mentioned this strategy before. It's what will entirely safe your life when you'd rather quit.

7) Begin to identify people who will work with you often. These are the people who may potentially become joint venture partners in business! They are like franchisers, sharing experiences related to something I've been in the past. In the world of franchising, business owners are constantly exchanging business tips, frequently asking each other, "So what are you doing about this problem or that problem, how do you go about solving your challenges, and what do you do to better serve and guide people"?

This is the stuff good happy life is made of.

Other reasons for sharing this information has much to do with getting you published. Every person here will need to use this strategy, mainly because it's what gets you noticed, and it's what begins to establish your credibility as an Internet marketer.

One Last Point Before You Go:

You're all capable of becoming superaffiliates. Here's the simpliest explanation of all.  You all have natural talents, and you also have  know-how others don't possess. If it takes a you a while to figure out precisely how your talents will fit into exclusive marketing, that's okay. Start by zeroing in on what you love to do best by making a list of everything you've done in your past. Make your list lengthy ..., then list the largest to the smallest of things you've done...seen..., or helped others solve.  That way, the intuitive information will help you sculpt your newest reality -- IM success!

Here's Toasting Your Success!






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idm Premium
Nothing much to add other than the grammar seems to go out the window at the last paragraph and I can't figure out why because your writing style is so good. Excellent post though, I took something useful out of it.
Revelation Premium
Great post! I have nothing to add...well written!