Posts by Casandra_j_k 9
October 17, 2009
I just signed up for so I could do the affiliate program i wanted. My is still just a blank page with nothing on it. I havent even connected the hosting yet. I am working on the page but i figured if I didnt presure myself then I wouldnt get anything done. I have been working on the website on rubix for over a week now and i still havent come anywhere close to finnishing it. Thing is... I need to finnish something now to produce on the page! I am tired of
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October 16, 2009
Working on my website is taking a long time... i know many people just throw it together not worrying about the content before they apply for the affiliate programs that require a site but i want my site to look perfect... its fun for me to make it so i am spending a lot of time on it, i feel like doing things well and making things appealing to your customer is a very importaint aspect of selling. I know I could just throw it together and then improve it later... but i think first impressions a
As of 2 days ago I got my very first domain name. It is I went on the hosting and added it to the hosting here, however, I am having problems since i understand nothing about why it is telling me to change the DNS or any of the options they are giving me... i guess i need a tutorial on the hosting as well... lol. I am now an affiliate with sort of by default since it gives you that option easily if you have a site or domain with them. I keep wondering if mayb
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October 04, 2009
BEWARE THE AFFILIATE PROGRAMS THAT ARE NOT REALLY AFFILIATE PROGRAMS! Lol I almost made a absolutely huge mistake... i decided to do e-card affiliate programs. I was getting stressed over what type of site content i needed to have up so that the e-card affiliate program i really wanted to sign up for through commission junction approved me. However, after over stressing myself about it and getting nowhere i decided to look for a different program. That was fine cause i did a bunch of searches fo
UPDATE: Thanks to many wonderful WA Members who answered my "cry for help" here, I was able to understand what was going on and know what my next steps should be. I am so lucky that so many others here love to help people too. I hope that i can be like you all who helped me some day and help others here as well. Thank You to everyone who wrote me to help me with this! ___________________________________________________________ Original Entry: First off I would like to say i am truely
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Hi everyone. I decided to change my mind on the first campaign i am working on. I will be doing e-cards. I think that is easy plus i found some excellent affiliate programs that pay you just to have people sign up and get free e-cards and pay a percentage of sales on the paid ones as well. I found a bunch of affiliate programs that i plan on promoting. Now I just got to decide where to start. Some affiliate programs require a website in order to be a affiliate... but if thats the case wouldnt th
Hi everyone. I want to thank you again for reading my blog. I just wanted to update... I thought i would be able to get everythng done this weekend on the action plan... unfortunately...the last steps seem to be the longest for The new action plan has 10 steps. I am working on 9 tonight. Tomarrow is the 30th and the day after that i will have been using wealthy affiliate for 1 full month. I am a slow learner as i said so it takes longer for me. I will get done with the action plan and
September 26, 2009
Hi everyone! I am still having problems getting onto wealthy affiliate through signing in at the page. I had somehow gotten past the error message this morning. But it didnt work a second time and i spent hours trying to figure out a way to get on here. I finally did something I should have tried from the beginning and was able to get on. Now I just have to go into my e-mail and click on a link from wealthy affiliate that takes me directly to the courses. Then
September 25, 2009
I finally got my blog working again yay!!! I am having some problems with the site today. I am getting error messages when I log in. Im still having some major issues... but i was able to get in to work on my action plan... thats all that matters. I figured i would try checking out my WA page and see if i could get the blog to work this time... and sure enough it popped right up.  I am excited because though i am kind of a slow learner i have almost read through the whole action plan and am
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