Finally done with action plan

Last Update: October 01, 2009

Hi everyone. I decided to change my mind on the first campaign i am working on. I will be doing e-cards. I think that is easy plus i found some excellent affiliate programs that pay you just to have people sign up and get free e-cards and pay a percentage of sales on the paid ones as well. I found a bunch of affiliate programs that i plan on promoting. Now I just got to decide where to start. Some affiliate programs require a website in order to be a affiliate... but if thats the case wouldnt they require content on that site and if so... what would i make the site about previous to signing up for the affiliate program and would a blog work?

Im going to be writing some of the people who said they would help me to see what i can do. I hope to get some answers soon so i can sign up to my affiliate sites and start marketing them. Maybe while I am waiting I will do some more research on the sites i plan to make a affiliate so when I write a article and tell others about them I can be extremely knowledgable.

I hope I am doing this right. I finnished reading the action plan finally.... though the action plan in it of itself really didnt give that much info about how or what to do... the links within the action plan taught how to write articles and taught keywords and nitche searching but the actual action plan in it of itself didnt. 

I was reading and writing notes... but the last 2 chapters I printed out and got done with reading and understanding them within the hour... i think that was probably the best course of action... however, like that i am really using alot of paper and ink... 

I think had i printed out the whole action plan... i would have been done with it within the week and on to new business... for me i am better at reading and highlighting importaint parts than writing notes... notes take alot longer... but its done now and i cannot go back... as kyle and carson said... you learn from your mistakes. Now Ill just print and read whats importaint... maybe ill look for a tool online that allows me to save the page and then instead of print read it and highlight on the computer... that way i wont be being so environmentally unconsious. Oh well

this is my first campaign and i am really nervous. If anyone has any pointers or suggestions on promoting or helpful hints or anything they want to say please do so... I am excited too. I hope to make my first amount of money soon. Ill continue to blog with updates.

thanks for listening and reading my blog and for everyones help and support. You are the best!

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Allen Premium
Good deal. I would put those research skills to use, understand who your target audience is, and find some low competition-high traffic keywords. Then follow the action plan. I think you have a lot of different angles to market from with your new niche also. Word of caution though...Although the vast majority of people here are honest, good people, there are lurkers who can steal your ideas, so just be careful how much detail you post about your niche. You can always send details via email or PM's to those you know. Take care!
Gio Premium
Well done :)