
Last Update: October 04, 2009


I almost made a absolutely huge mistake... i decided to do e-card affiliate programs. I was getting stressed over what type of site content i needed to have up so that the e-card affiliate program i really wanted to sign up for through commission junction approved me. However, after over stressing myself about it and getting nowhere i decided to look for a different program. That was fine cause i did a bunch of searches for e-cards and e-card affiliate programs in all of the search engines and I came up with 2 that gave you your own website to promote. I didnt look hard at the first one and wrote it down, the second one i did look at and then wrote down on my list of possibilities as well. both were obviously independent affiliate programs. The 2nd one offered $1 per sign up and a percentage of the sales from premium service. My big blunder is I got the first one which was called 123greetings mixed up with the other one i had wrote down and signed up for it. after going through the sign up process and then trying to find the terms of service and there was no link on the sign up page, i finally decided to sign up anyways and look for the terms of service in the main menu since the affiliate program was labeled (beta) I assumed all the kinks had not been worked out yet. After looking around the page while looking for the terms of service i came across the tracking info. I realized from that page that i had not signed up for a real affiliate program. It was a fraud. Apparently they give you a website so you can promote their site and you dont get anything. they claim if you have a website it will make more people come since you have your own personal e-cards page but thats a bunch of crap. I had spent a 1/2 hour signing up and looking through the site for the terms of service. What a waste. I wanted to pull out my hair, though truely... i know better, you always look at the terms of service first, always everyone here knows that so i doubt anyone would have even wasted as much time as i even did on the site, which in actuality makes me feel like a monumental fool.

At any rate... thats okay... the other one is real... before i posted this i double checked the page to see if it really said it offered the commissions as well, just to make sure i wasnt going crazy. So I am off to read the terms of service because who knows maybe theres something crazy in their agreement which will make them unsuitable too. Most of the others were from commission junction except there was this other one called myfuncards.com you didnt just promote it... it was sort of a package deal with webfetti and smiliey central and a few others... though truely... the site is kind of annoying i have to admit i downloaded it once from a banner so i got to admit their banners are effective. However annoying they may be. The wierd thing is that they require a phone verification, is that normal for some? i am afraid they will use the # to call me with all sorts of stupid offers even though they probably will say they wont. Plus the place said it required a website too. It was on a affiliate network I had never heard of... netblue or something like that... I would have to go check again... If this one doesnt pan out then I will go through the process get the webpage up and running first and then apply at one through commission junction which seems to be the most reputable of all of them though that myfuncards one may be worth looking into some more for a future campaign...especially with all the myspace friends i have that i would feel bad about spaming about other stuff but webfetti which is part of that program gives you codes for myspace templates and graphics ect. so i wouldnt feel bad so much promoting it to them. Most of whom are professional photographers and models who may get funny if i start promoting stuff and think someone hijacked my site.

At any rate... I feel better now after posting this... I was embarrassed and upset about my mistake i had made, but now i am feeling okay. Ill keep on working through this... I can do it. I know i can!I just have to work hard. I did get some things done today. I created a wordpress blog. It is nowhere near where it needs to be to be promoted yet, I have not added any links. Plus my writing is horrible. I tend to have great ideas but horrible writing. If i put my mind to it and go through it several times correcting and fixing the way it sounds I usually can come up with some excellent content. It just takes me alot longer than the average person and I get impacient. So when I got impacient with the blog, I decided not to go do something unrelated, I went and worked on starting a squidoo lens. It is not finnished yet eather but both are well on their way. They just need a affiliate link and for me too go over what i have a couple more times and maybe add 1 paragraph to the bottom of each. Ill definately post them here when I finish them, it may take a couple days though. The wordpress blog goes up right away, and it is up now. However, until i go over it a couple more times and then have someone proof read it I dont want to show it. 

If any of my friends are interested in proof reading my wordpress and squidoo page for me and tell me if there are things i can improve please tell me. I just need one person but they need to be good with grammar cause my grammar is a nightmare. My spelling is usually too but thanks to spell check, that is not a big concern on wordpress... though squidoo doesnt have a spell checker... at least not in the text boxes i have used so far. At any rate, sorry for writing so much

thanks for listening.

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