a little off schedule but still plugging away

Last Update: September 29, 2009

Hi everyone. I want to thank you again for reading my blog. I just wanted to update... I thought i would be able to get everythng done this weekend on the action plan... unfortunately...the last steps seem to be the longest for me...lol. The new action plan has 10 steps. I am working on 9 tonight. Tomarrow is the 30th and the day after that i will have been using wealthy affiliate for 1 full month. I am a slow learner as i said so it takes longer for me. I will get done with the action plan and start on my first campagn by thursday night. I have to make this goal for myself. It shouldnt be too hard to obtain seeing as i only have to read 2 more sections and then put it into practice. I am a little nervous about getting started. However, as i have read, failure is part of the road to success so if my first campaign doesnt do to hot... ill come away from it with valuable info on how to do things better next time.

I appreicate all of your support. I am so happy to have meet so many great people on here. This is a excellent site. Even after I become successful I will want to stay because there are so many great people here and so many others like me in that they are thirsting  for the knowledge needed to be a online business person and to learn to do it successfully. 

At any rate. I will write more on thursday. Hopefully by then ill have a little more to report.

 To all reading this, have a great day!

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