A rough day.

Last Update: September 26, 2009

Hi everyone!

I am still having problems getting onto wealthy affiliate through signing in at the http://www.my.wealthyaffiliate.com page. I had somehow gotten past the error message this morning. But it didnt work a second time and i spent hours trying to figure out a way to get on here. I finally did something I should have tried from the beginning and was able to get on. Now I just have to go into my e-mail and click on a link from wealthy affiliate that takes me directly to the courses. Then after I get here (it has me signed in automatically for some reason even though it never let me in) i can navigate to other parts of the site. The error within the site itself is not here like this morning. I found a remedy to that by uninstalling and reinstalling firefox but the error message from the login page is still there no matter what i do, weather i use internet explorer or firefox and i was able to do everything but update my WA spaces before through internet explorer until just yesterday. So I know it is not just my computer on that part.

I dont care that much though as long as i can get onto the page somehow I am happy. I wish I didnt waste a day trying to figure it out. But it was my fault I didnt think of a way to bypass the beginning page sooner. Now I favorited a bunch of parts of the site so i can try to access the site through my favorites and not have to go back and log into my e-mail and search for a letter from WA with a link in it to a page other than the entry page or the forum.

At any rate. I have to get my son from his dads house tomarrow and need to hurry and get done what i had a goal to finnish this week. Because of all the technical difficulties its going to be darn near impossible for me to finish everything i had planned, and i cannot focus all my time on it cause i have to move downstairs cause my apartment that i was sopposed to get when I moved here is finally finnished and ready for me to move into. I am not looking forward to moving all my stuff yet again.... not that i really have alot of stuff. I feel bad for my neighbor she had to move in upstairs too. But she must be better off than me... cause she has tons of furnature and big beautiful things to cart down the stairs... me I have clothes for me and my kids. 2 toddler bed mattresses a matress for me 2 bean bag chairs, a desk, my computer,a tv and a bunch of smaller things. Truely, I live in a horrible neighborhood here in madison. I live in a recently renovated crackhouse that the previous landlord lost. I acutally took a step down from my previous place cause i couldnt afford it. I was living in a poor but family oriented area in a cheap older townhouse. But i couldnt afford the utilities and the rent kept going up so here i am.

I truely would like to move as soon as i can afford to... I hate moving but it is definately worth the hastle when I can afford it. There is sopposedly alot of break ins in this neighborhood. Luckly I am poor and look very poor too... there would be no use to get any renters insurance cause i dont own enough to make it worth the payments...lol. Everything we have without exception is old second hand stuff and/or extremely cheap. 

I hate living like this. I have put my foot down. This business is going to work and I am going to stick with it to see that it does. I dont have to invest much and its not like $40/mo is going to buy us anything importaint we are missing anyways or improve our lives if I choose not to spend it. I know I can do this. I have lived a difficult life. Part because of trama i suffered thoughout the years starting when I was really little and the other part because of big mistakes and bad decisions i have made. It would be expected of me or anyone who has been through and done the things i have done to give up on any possibility of a successful and happy future. But I will not do it! I am a survivor and if I have the strength to live through everything i have then I have the strength and determination required to make it as a online business woman too!

Sorry about that. That pep talk was more for myself than for my readers but I need to do it for myself sometimes to prove to myself that i dont have to be the failure my parents and everyone else expects me to be. I can and will prove them all wrong! They will see!

Wow I kinda went off on a tangent with this blog post didnt I. I have made a definate decision on my first industry i am going to promote. I am going to become a affiliate for cheap online ciggarette and tobacco stores as my first campaign. I am going to create a review site and I am going to compare pros and cons of different sites I am a affiliate with and products from them. Because of the price of ciggarettes and the tax that keeps going up especially here in wisconsin and all over the US. i believe this is a excellent market and a good choice for me. It is also good cause I can speak from experience as a smoker myself and someone who cannot afford the way the taxes are sky rocketing and planned on shopping online myself. I figure promoting something for which i am a customer is the easyest thing to start with. I was originally thinking of doing something else first to learn the ropes on something that didnt have so much potential cause i was afraid that if i had not done any marketing before and did this industry first which has the potential of making alot of money, I would not make as much money as i could if i became more experienced and then did it. However, I now believe it is as good a time as any to market for this. After all i can always improve as i run the campaign and can always come back to it later and make more money. after all I dont believe ciggarettes are becomming illegal any time soon but i do believe that the government is going to tax the smokers as much as they can under the guise of sopposedly being anti smoking when in reality they are just using that to make more money and dont want anyone to stop smoking.

At any rate. I better get going. I have alot to do now. I was just using this post to take a pause from reading the action plan and writing notes. I know your wondering why I am writing notes on something that is available for me to go back to any time... but i do it because it is the easiest way for the info to sink in for me without killing alot of trees in order to print it all out and highlight things. I have a extremely bad memory and my attention span is bad as well so i do this in order to not read the whole action plan and at the end realize i didnt remember any of it and have to read it all over again...lol. I am sure there has to be at least some of you that wrote notes while reading the action plan after all even if your memory is not crappy it covers a ton of info.

Well I have not forgotten about adding my goals/milestones into my profile. I will be doing it as soon as i finnish reading the action plan. I drank alot of coffee and will be up all night so I can finnish reading the action plan. As soon as I do then I will write my goals and start implementing what i learned so far and start reading more of the other trainning materials...

Thanks for reading such a long post. sorry about that. I appreciate everyone so far who has been in contact with me helping me and telling me they are willing to help when i need it. I hope today goes good for you and better than yesterday for me.

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