
Last Update: September 25, 2009

I finally got my blog working again yay!!!

I am having some problems with the site today. I am getting error messages when I log in. Im still having some major issues... but i was able to get in to work on my action plan... thats all that matters. I figured i would try checking out my WA page and see if i could get the blog to work this time... and sure enough it popped right up. 

I am excited because though i am kind of a slow learner i have almost read through the whole action plan and am starting to feel like i am almost knowledgable enough to put it all into action.

I have been here at Wealthy Affiliate for almost a month now. I had had a couple of things happen when i first signed up that made me sort of fall behind the rest of the people who signed up at the same time as me... its okay though.  I learned long ago not to try to compare my speed to other peoples... to just concentrate on the task at hand.

I have come up with some excellent industries that i know will be easy sellers. One is ciggarettes. With the taxes on them going up every 5 min. and especially here in wisconsin they are getting outragous, it has become more prevelent to shop online to buy ciggarettes. there was even a newspaper article about people going online to buy ciggarettes now more than ever. I think by becoming a affiliate to a couple online ciggarette stores I will be able to have a very good 1st campaign. Even though i am new and not that knowledgable. I have some excellent ideas on how to market this and as a ciggarette smoker myself... I feel I can passionately convey the issue and the solution in a way that will attract other smokers.

Truely I have excellent ideas but my spelling and punctuation sucks. I can write a mean article and ive even been a guest columnist in the wisconsin state journal, which is a daily newspaper that is delivered all over wisconsin. I have always loved to write but been horrible at the grammer punctuation and spelling part. In actuality i am not that educated... I am sure you could tell but i have nothing but a GED. I could give you all the spicifics about that but why spoil it. One of my goals when I become successful is to write my own biography. I want it to turn out with a happy ending that is why i am waiting. I have lived a very interesting life. I want to help others. That is my biggest dream. But I cannot help others if I cannot help myself... I can volunteer now, and i do. But i cannot show them that even if you had a life like mine change and success is truely possible. I want to be able to give hope. That is my true wish.

At any rate. In order to be able to help others, I need to succeed. In order to do that i need to work hard at this. I am going to make it as a online business woman. That is a promice. With that in mind I have come up with a interesting system to keep me on my toes. 

Im going to post in the about me section: 5 first priority goals/ milestores. This will be in list form. Underneath that list I will have: 5 most recently completed goals/milestones and their dates. With each goal or milestone I will add the date i completed it next to it and maybe a small note if i want to add something about it. The cool thing about this is as each one gets finnished i will add a new goal or milestone to the bottom of the list of 5 first priority goals and then drop the oldest of the 5 most recently completed off the list. This way I have a constant string of goals. I also plan on keeping one blog post I edit regularly with all of my goals i have completed since i started. That way ill be able to look back and see what all i have acheved and when. I am not sure I am explaining this correctly and perhaps it will not be as good of a idea as it seems to be now. But i am going to try it out since even the action plan mentioned that i should have my goals posted on my profile... this is just a different type of way for me to display them that i feel could help me see them in a more productive and less daunting way than a huge list of goals

 At any rate. I think I have writen enough for today. I need to get on to working on my action plan anyways and finnishing it up. But I am going to post my first 5 goals now before i move on to reading the rest of the action plan. That way they are up there for myself and everyone else to see to push me forward to success.

Thanks everyone for reading. Have a great day and I wish you success!

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Terry Neal Premium
As far as
but my spelling and punctuation sucks.
Just use word and and spell check everything.
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