
Last Update: October 16, 2009

Working on my website is taking a long time... i know many people just throw it together not worrying about the content before they apply for the affiliate programs that require a site but i want my site to look perfect... its fun for me to make it so i am spending a lot of time on it, i feel like doing things well and making things appealing to your customer is a very importaint aspect of selling. I know I could just throw it together and then improve it later... but i think first impressions are very importaint.

I cannot wait to post the finnished product here in my blog. Its going to be so awsome.  I also made my site so it fits a spicific need but also can evolve for some future campaigns i plan on having so i wont take so long in the future. Im excited to get rolling with it all but i want it to be awsome. Even if i fail. I dont want it to be because my website wasnt appealing enough. Plus I picked a product to promote that allows me to be myself and show pieces of who i am in the process of selling it.  So it makes it more fun.

Falure may be a part of learning and succeeding but i am of the mind set that if you are doing what you really enjoy even if it doesnt make alot of money and can be considered a falure at least it was fun so it is not a total loss.  I personally believe that if it is something you truely care for weather you want it to or not it is reflected in your campaign to your customers. If it is not no matter how excited you try to make yourself sound it still sounds a little fake. 

At any rate so thats what i am working on now. I already found what i am going to promote a week ago... now I just need to finnish this site and ill be ready to go. 

I tried to do a blog at but someone told me that i should be using so i downloaded the stuff from and now i havent a clue about how to get it going or use it. I tried to figure out the instructions which they claimed were easy.... yeah right... if they say so. At any rate, Ill work on that more later if i need to I may just get a blog elsewhere. We will see. I got a squidoo account and started working on a page all i need to do is enter my affiliate info. So once this site is up ill be able to really get rolling and things will start happening quickly.

I checked out e-zine but they had so many rules they seemed a little difficult to follow,  all the no affiliate links and all the other rules.... i may use them in the future but it just seems like they restrain your writing more than most to the point that it makes it very difficult.

Other than that though everything is okay. I had a little problem with billing but thats over now. I am glad that i was able to resolve it fairly quickly all thanks to carson. you know my dads name is karson... just as a little side 

anyways thats all i got to say yet... ill write more soon.


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