Posts by Jatdebeaune 338
Here's an interesting observation. I used to get an article accepted at EZA, and it was indexed within an hour of acceptance.  Now, it's taking a while. Interesting to see how long it'll take for Google to index an article on average from EZA and others. Street Articles is almost instant. How are they doing it? Is that a result of the algorithm change? What about new sites? How long is it taking to index a new site? I'm hearing Google ignores meta keywords and keyword density now. So, I ima
March 24, 2011
VENTING....Frustration with myself. Hey J, Nail it down, lady! (That would be me guys)...Joan scolding Joan. Happens all the time. Yes, I talk to myself like a lunatic. Staying on point while hungrily gobbling up information in this sea of seemingly endless information and seductive distraction is probably the most challenging thing I have ever done. I LOVE all the learning and the doing but it takes a bloomin' lot of time! I go to the computer in the early morning, sometimes as early as 4:00 AM
March 21, 2011
  Our hearts and prayers are with the Japanese people!
1 comment
Check this out! What stands between you and success is a 10,000 hour investment of your time. How far into it are you? I imagine this doesn't count trips to the little girl's room or little boy's room or going to the refrigerator for an apple. It might though. Some real breakthroughs happen in interval spaces such as day dreams and meditation.So they must count. I haven't read this book yet, but I'm going to read it. Meanwhile, off to invest at least 5 hours of the 10,000. So far I haven't been
Any and all feedback is gratefully received. I don't mind writing articles. As a matter of fact, I'm even beginning to groove on it. Time consuming, but it's a great way to get the word out there, supply readers with your own point of view on a topic, and bring them back home to your own site where you can influence them more and sell them something. Sure, from an SEO standpoint, backlinks are great. I get it. After all, if people don't know about you, they'll never know what you think, and you
You'll be amused! As marketers, there's a documentary you'll want to rent from Netflix. It is: "Exit Through the Giftshop." Have you already seen it? I saw it last night and was fascinated. So interesting. All about street art and guys who follow their passion even when it's dangerous. I have mixed feelings about street art. I'm all for people expressing themselves, but not big on expressing on public buildings unless it's commissioned art.  Fascinated that these people have s
1 comment
March 15, 2011
My mug runneth over. Love it! Got a message from EZA that I'm now diamond. However, I did ask them for it. So is that cheating? Well, no matter because however they come, diamonds are a girl's best friend. Now, I guess I have to write more articles so they don't demote me. I needed a lift today and that did it.
And now I have a headache. Went wrong somewhere. Software wouldn't let me put in any links. It said I could put in 2 links, and when I did, a message came up:  "links are not allowed in the body of the text". Also tried anchor text and that didn't work either. I mean it wasn't accepted. I put html right into the content body. Didn't click that little box where you're supposed to enter your url. I don't know if you need it for anchor text. Looked like it worked. Disallowed though.
March 10, 2011
  That small square box was in my mailbox this afternoon, and I have to admit, it was fun to receive. I love presents! Very nice touch, from EZA. Now, what to do with my new trophy. My sister wants to mount it on the dashboard of my car. I have a place reserved for it on the book shelf in my office. But the mug looks more utilitarian than trophy-ish LOL. Looks like you should put coffee in it, and it came with a "writer's brew" coffee.  Also a nice touch. To make it more of a
March 08, 2011
Am I using a buying keyword? Am I in a niche where people are buying? What are the demographics of my niche?  It's all gotta be more than just a gut feeling, though gut feelings weigh heavy in my book.  Do you know this tool? It's FREE! And it's fun! MSN Commercial Intent Tool