Posts by Martynh 22
December 27, 2009
Here was my 2009 Target No I didn't get any $$$ by Christmas. So I failed. But i'm not binning it. Instead I'll roll this over till the end of Jan 2010. I'm no quitter & if I set myself a target I'll meet it. To make life harder I'll also be working towards my 2010 targets in Jan. I'm still musing on what these should be. 2009 TARGET: Earn first cash $$$ by Christmas STEPS: 1. Pass WA Certified Article Marketing Course - on lesson 7/11 2. Map process / best tools for an article campaign -
In the distant past I read somewhere that if there is a brand or name associated with a product - Tiger Woods with Gillette, or not as the case may be, then the public will search for the brand or celeb name in Google as a lead in to finding the product Why I'd not thought of this before I don't know So for the industry I'm in, I think I'll get a big list together of which celebrities favour which products then write articles with their names in the title. And the hotter the celeb, the better th
December 08, 2009
I'm kinda just writing this for myself I'm the sort of person who sees a car as a metal box with 4 wheels to get me from A to B. I never look under that bonnet thing (hood for the US) Same goes for this IM.  So having to set up a website & host it on Plesk filled me with dread. I knew I could do it but its such a chore taking my time away from keyword research I've always given these techy things to someone else to do (my brother) as I end up chucking things across the room in frustrati
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December 06, 2009
Tomorrow I've got a 15 minute slot to present IM near Manchester (that's UK not US) The audience are consultants with a portfolio of SME clients A year ago I did a presentation to them on LinkedIn and I still get questions about it. So I'll give them LOADS of free advice on how to help their clients with IM Hopefully that will be a good starter for them But if they need help I'll suggest WAU  Or I'll get some fees to do it for their clients. Then again they may want a website created
 I've been considering creating my first resource. To give something back to WA. But I'm a newbie. What credibility do I have? Who wants to read anything I say? Then idm put the pressure on me. He joined WA at the same time and created a good resource a couple of weeks ago. I'm not competitive, really! Anyhow I read Kyles excellent forum post last night "I'm really scared for internet marketers". Wow, its now all up in the air! Many of the WA tutorials will need to be rewritten t
November 27, 2009
Sure I know CJ, Clickbank etc are recommended by WA. Great if you're American. But I am UK based & as an internet consumer I'd always prefer a site to buy from. I generally add the words "UK" in my search to cut out American sites. And it follows that I prefer to buy from UK based Affiliate Schemes. Certainly for buying Xmas presents, I'm using Affiliate Window which is great & easy to use.We've put a page on our business blog for easy Xmas shopping!  
November 24, 2009
Thats 2 Ezine articles published without a problem I guess they like my style. Probably helps I learned to write articles for the web over at Suite101 first. They make Ezine look soft. Next target 10 to make platinum status. Then fuel the rockets for take off!
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November 23, 2009
Submitted 2 articles to Ezine a couple of days ago After all the talk of rejected articles etc I was half expecting to get nowhere But the first was approved within 3 days. I also earned the statys of Expert author - but I'm guessing everyone gets that. Tried to keep to simple principles - 400 words min, short paragraphs and a few subheadings. Link at the end was to a Squidoo article. It did take a while to write so whether when I speed it up they'll be quite so keen, we'll see.  
November 17, 2009
Right I'm going for it. To become a WA Super Affiliate. I'll make my excuses now though! If it were a cycle race, I'm the one who engages in a high gear, starts slow then gains unstoppable momentum by the end.Will the end of Jan give me enough time? Not sure. But if there's a challenge, I can't pass it by. Good luck to all the others.  
You find a word, put it in google and find little competition but lots of Ads. Bit excited! So try it with a few smaller keyphrases. Woo hoo, even better! Bung them into GoogleTrends. Good grief - its stellar! Are there any products? Wow loads in Clickbank & Shareasale. I've now got about 6 subniches & along the way have made notes for future possible spinoffs.  You just KNOW when you've got a good'un. Just like meeting your future wife or investing shares in the next big thing -
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