Posts by PowersFamilyFarm 64
October 26, 2010
I did get into the article marketing club and got started today.  I bought a new domain and got the DNS's to point to the WA hosting service.  Then I came up with ten ideas for articles to write on stuff that you find within WA. The welcome email informed me among other things that by the end of the month I will have written fifty articles.  Nothing helps you sort out which campaigns to even start like information like that.  I've started a number of campaigns based on topics
October 25, 2010
I haven't had as much time to blog lately for lots of reasons, an important one being that I have been putting a lot of hours into my Internet marketing efforts. There are still holes in my knowledge, and I'm going to get those holes filled by participating in an upcoming article marketing club.  Not sure if I get in this next one, or one after that. One thing I figured out is that my coop idea was a good one, but I can accomplish the same thing without having something as formal as a coop
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I've been solidifying my coop idea and looking at the logistics.  I've also started putting the idea out to people outside of WA.  Here is the latest... About three months ago I joined Wealthy Affiliate University because I wanted to learn how to make money on the Internet through affiliate marketing.  I have learned all about article marketing, pay per click campaigns, the importance of landing pages and other related Internet marketing must knows through my Wealthy Affiliat
I have a knack for finding interesting programs pre-launch.  I posted before about Varolo, which will soon be rewarding you when you watch TV commercials. I just found another prelaunch program.  This one is for payment processing.  PayBox wants to be the very best online payment processing service ever.  To accomplish this, they recently started accepting early bird memberships.  Each early bird member gets $50.00 deposited into his PayBox account.  Once you open
September 23, 2010
If you are a new member, you might be wondering when you are going to make enough money with Internet Marketing to pay for your monthly membership to Wealthy Affiliate. This tutorial is designed to help you do just that by plugging you into some websites that pay you for actions you take and then helping you build your downlines on these sites to make even more money.   Disclaimer I need to start off by saying this isn't strictly a training tutorial, though it will go over a few things th
I just spent a few hours putting together a resource for everyone, but when I went to publish it I found out that I am not allowed to promote any programs (free or otherwise) and I'm not allowed to include affiliate links. Those rules are certainly understandable, but given the nature of my particular resource, completely counterproductive. No matter--I'm going to post it all as a big long blog entry, and probably as a forum post as well. It should show up here in the next ten minutes or so. Yes
September 20, 2010
If you're the type who watches the Superbowl for the commercials more than the game, you should definitely check out Varolo.  It's in pre-launch, but the real money is made through four tiers of affiliates, collectively called your village.  You can get started on that part right away and the ads will come at launch.
September 19, 2010
The process of Internet Marketing--or at least learning about it--has gotten me on a lot of people's email lists.  I get a lot of messages about this or that make money from home scheme.  I'm always on the lookout for ways to make that money without too much effort.  Ultimately I'd like for the money to flow even when I'm not working at it. So out of hundreds of spammy, super promotional emails I come across one with the subject line "NO NO NO" promoting Really Simple Ho
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I guess I'm having a case of the newbie blues, and it's compounded by the fact that I'm pretty much out of any sort of cash reserves I may have had starting into this.  The bottom line is I cannot afford to continue spending the hours and hours it takes to learn this stuff and not receive some sort of monetary compensation for my time, not to mention the continued monthly membership fee.  In other words, when push comes to shove, my husband and I have to spend our time o
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August 19, 2010
Well here's a nice surprise.  I Googled Sugar Free Halloween and saw that the Squidoo lens I'd created with that title is in position number five, and this is out of over five million results.  According to the WA Keyword Research tool that keyword comes up with 65,000 exact matches.  The sort of number WA rates as "Might be tough."  I actually wasn't trying to keyword optimize this particular lens--I just threw it up there for the Squid Boo Halloween challenge, plu