Posts by PowersFamilyFarm 64
November 09, 2010
I can hardly believe I'm halfway through the WA article marketing club and haven't yet fallen behind.  This is clearly something I can do; I just needed a little direction. As assigned I created a new static page and a new blog post based on something current or newsworthy in the field of Internet marketing.  I wrote my blog post about Internet marketing certification.  I've started noticing advertisements for getting some sort of formal certification for gaining knowledge in Inte
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November 08, 2010
Trucking forward in the article marketing club--still keeping up and we're almost halfway through. Today the topic of using Google AdSense was brought up and I'm so glad because I've had an AdSense account for years but have really done nothing with it.  With all that, when I checked it, I had an account credit of a little over a dollar.  Wonder how long that's been sitting there? I'm trying to update my blog on weekdays and I figured out that the blog is a great place to just get my i
November 07, 2010
Today's email for the WA article marketing club told us in no uncertain terms to take a break, and reminded us of why a lot of times we are more productive at work on Monday and Tuesday than on the rest of the days of the work week because of having taken at least one day off during the weekend. I sure needed the break.  Today I did absolutely nothing for my WA campaign.  I didn't exactly have the restful day.  My daughters had a friend over for a sleepover last night and she was
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November 05, 2010
Where does the time go?  Today we learned about social bookmarking.  Time consuming, but I guess worth it for backlinks to your article. I also made a new page on my site and submitted the same copy to two different article directories.  I plan to add to the page and have the second section also be its own freestanding article. I haven't had much time to track page rank too closely, but I did notice one of my ezine articles made it to Google page 1 for the keyword I targeted. 
November 04, 2010
I'm saving time on today's blog post by copying from my Day 10 forum post right here: OK, onto what I accomplished today. I got all the homework done. I created a new page to target my two chosen keywords for the day, and published the two articles. I cheated a little in that I wrote the first article from scratch, then simply reworded it a bit and changed the keywords for the second article. What is the best recommendation on submitting the same articles to multiple directories? I know you
Part of our homework for the article marketing club today was to write down and share what we've accomplished so far.   I cheated and finished up the rest of the homework for today, which was to write and submit two more articles, before posting my successes, and it makes an impressive list. Here's what I have so far (copied from my forum post): *  a domain *  a WordPress web site that works well.  I am pleased to report that everything is working the way I'd expect and I'm
November 02, 2010
Today was another day of pounding the keyboard writing website content and a couple articles to point to that content.  I find I'm very confused about when to use a static page and when to use a blog post.  At this point, it's all the same, as far as the writing style I'm applying.  If anyone here can shed some light, that would be great.  I'll figure it out eventually. I noticed a comment on my brand new website.  Actually, it was a trackback or ping (whatever that mea
October 29, 2010
Today was create a hidden page targeting a particular low competition keyword in the field of affiliate marketing.  I chose to write about choosing keywords and ended up with two separate pages that are basically the same article with changes to target two different keywords. You can take a look and do please tell me if either one of them would make you want to trip over yourself to get signed up to WA if you weren't already a member.
October 28, 2010
I created and wrote content for four pages on my website Online Marketing 101.  I also researched 30 keywords to pick ones with low competition for article writing purposes. I can't express enough how much having a plan that's broken down into daily tasks has helped me.  Of course it isn't my plan so I don't exactly have a grasp of the big picture.  I trust that the authors of the plan do :-). Before when I was trying to fathom the big picture and all the steps it took to get ther
October 27, 2010
Today we focused on getting our WP sites set up--choosing a blog template and activating the plugins.  I didn't know what the plugins were for up until now, and part of what makes the club invaluable is filling in some of this technical knowledge. There's the Askimet plugin that's supposed to screen out the spam comments.  I know from experience that if you don't do something, your WP site will get comment spammed on a daily basis.  You have to activate the plugin, then go get an