Posts by PowersFamilyFarm 64
So I heard back from someone at WordPress about my blog.  Turns out WordPress does not allow any affiliate links on blogs they host, period.  It wasn't the mysterious code that caused problems, just the numerous affiliate links.  Fair enough.  Anyone know if Blogger still accepts affiliate links? I get the feeling that Internet marketing is going to get harder for people in certain ways.  You can't just slap on a few affiliate links onto a free blog and just wait for the
My site is back (whew!), but the story isn't over.  When I was trying to set up a backup blog on (, I ran into problems trying to copy the html from the post on my original blog to the corresponding post on the backup blog.  After two posts, wordpress stopped publishing and sent an error message instructing me to report my blog as they were concerned about the content.  Looking more closely at the original posts, I noticed an enormou
July 23, 2010
After a full day of not being able to load my website, I finally got a message telling me there's no website at  Try it and see for yourself.  If you do and it's back up, then definitely let me know. I've put messages on the forum, chatted on both Kyle and Carson's space and also PM'd Carson.  I really hope it's some sort of glitch that is being worked on.  I really hope. But  it's very frustrating in the mean time.  If my article readers cl
I learned today that it is indeed just fine to submit the same article to multiple article directories.  A few apparently demand exclusivity, but the major ones like EzineArticles and GoArticles don't.  I learned this through a forum discussion about GoArticles tightening their article guidelines.  Apparently GoArticles had the reputation of being the place that would publish anything, so it attracted a lot of articles that were blatant promotions, sales pitches, etc.  This
My most immediate goal with WA is to set up the minimum of what I need to open up the possibility to make money on the Internet.  As I understand it, the bare bones necessities are affiliate links to the products I want to promote, a landing page where I link to those products through my unique affiliate url, and one or more ads or articles directing people either to my landing page or directly to the merchant.  Am I missing anything? Now I realize there are many items that I should ha
July 20, 2010
Today was amazing!  I just finished creating a second landing page on my blog.  This one is for a really neat online garden planning tool--the sort of tool I really wish I'd come across in say, January.  All of you WA'ers who love to garden should definitely check it out.  Why did I create a landing page for this?  Well, I was searching Google under some keywords I've written copy for and found my blog post about AOCS silver on the first search page for two of my keywor
July 19, 2010
Yesterday someone on the forum recommended Skadoogle as a great tool for folks who like to blog about life, so I signed up and added a blog for me and my husband.  The advice was to blog about heavily searched keywords.  Skadoogle is supposed to automate a certain amount of the affiliate linking and monetize your blog. Since I've enjoyed blogging about current events I jumped on it.  However, like everything else in Internet marketing, this plugin has a learning curve.  It's
July 18, 2010
Today I did nothing with WA except check my email and log in at the end of the day.  I feel like it was the perfect time to take a step back.  Not sure when I'll be back at it tomorrow.  My husband is scheduled to work all day and I need to get back into homeschooling my daughters.  I'm hoping to have a few hours in the evening and maybe late into the night when my husband is done for the day.  I'm very encouraged by the income possibilities in my hopefully near future,
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Today was another intense day, but I believe I can feel good about taking tomorrow off. I seriously dug into the keyword research tool.  I don't understand how all the different features work together but I was able to use the keyword generating tool, then run my favorite keywords through the tool that tells you how many web sites come up under each one. I decided to run my first set of campaigns on a product I am very familiar with but which is still largely unknown.  Most of the key
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I just registered an account with, another place where you can publish articles for an article marketing campaign.  This one will also pay you for your articles via a Google AdSense account.  Not entirely sure on the details of how that works as I've just now applied for my own AdSense account to benefit in that way. Those of you who write articles might want to sign up for an Infobarrel account, and if you do, please help me out by registering through my affiliate link