Posts by PowersFamilyFarm 64
As an Advertiser... Did you ever wish you could run an ad campaign as targeted as a PPC but with more visual appeal? Do you currently use video advertising as part of your marketing strategy? You can benefit by participating in Varolo. Varolo, whose tag line is "the next generation in permission marketing" is a site where users opt in to view thirty second commercials.  You can place your ad in front of those viewers.  You pay for each ad viewed and you only pay when a view
I joined PayBox a couple months ago and feel confident recommending it here.  It's a company with ambitions to become the best online payment processing service ever.  A big goal they have right now is to grow to around five million users.   Rather than spend a lot of money on advertising, they have an incentive program for their early bird users who help them test the system.  You can become an early bird user at any time by simply registering an account. PayBox will i
November 30, 2010
Today was a record article writing day for me.  My goal was to submit four articles and I ended up submitting five.  They really are getting easier to crank out.  The other part of the record is that I have eleven articles in EZA's queue.  I doubt I'll be able to accumulate that many pending articles once they award me Platinum status.  I'm told the approval process for Platinums is much faster.  I am three submissions away from getting my account reviewed. After I
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This morning, I read the following article from Natural News: Now granted, Natural News is a media source I take with a grain of salt (of varying sizes), but I follow it because I get a wide variety of information I might not get from other sources. The article is about how recently the US Government seized 76 domains without any sort of due process for alleged copyright violations and the real possibility that more websites could
I finished everything I'm going to finish for the WA article marketing club today.  Going into Thanksgiving I have all the new skills I learned from the club under my belt along with ten articles in the EzineArticles queue. I've kept up with the work and then some.  I'm going to put my campaign on a regular maintenance schedule starting Monday. Now, it's time for a good long break.  Time to leave it alone for four days.  Time to pry myself away from the computer.  Time t
OK, the match has not been made yet to my knowledge but it sounds like a no-brainer. I'm still very busy with my WA article marketing campaign.  Day 28 and I still am not behind (although I think my kids are starting to miss me LOL).  OK OK I'm having trouble with the social bookmarking stuff but apparently that's the first thing that gets dropped anyway when there's a time crunch.  I'll be busy with it for two more days, then I need to set my own goals and tasks and continue main
Today our homework was to think about the big picture, specifically how to incorporate a routine of Internet marketing into our day to day life. I got immersed in the process of creating more content for my websites and publishing articles.  I have six pending articles in the EzineArticles Pipeline.  It's a bit of a fun game for me to see how many I can build up there before they accept one and take it out of the queue. I also hit the point sometime in the past week where it became cle
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So I'm in the home stretch of the WA article marketing club.  So far being involved hasn't helped my bottom line (no sales--unless you count the WA gold I cashed out a few days ago).  It has done wonders to my WA member rank.  I'm within reach of the top twenty!  Got to celebrate the victories where they come. I'm very reluctant to even look at my Google Analytics account right now.  Several of my fellow WA clubbers have been keeping a hawk's eye on their statistics and
This post is mainly directed towards my fellow WA article marketing club members but I'm happy to work with anyone who has what I'm looking for. I'm working on a step by step tutorial for setting up a mini-campaign on my website and I have run into some content ideas I either don't want to write or don't know enough about to write.  If you have content that would meet my needs I would like to be able to use that content in exchange for a backlink to a website of your choice--similar to how
November 10, 2010
Copied right over from my forum post for the WA Article Marketing Club Day 16: I finished my homework today, but as usual it took me way too long to write those two articles. I'm quite the perfectionist but I know for me the only way to make it take less time is to do it the long way and gradually get less picky and better about writing the copy. At least I'm proud of the quality of my work. This came up on another thread, but Ezine apparently is getting even more picky about quality stuff,