An Affiliate For Independent Music Artists

Last Update: August 14, 2011

You might not be aware of this resource and if not, I thought I would share it with everyone.  Since I'm a music artist, I sell music through this site.  The thing that is great about this place is that it is for independent artists and the owner started it from something to help promote his own music.  It turned into a multi million dollar business and another major CD manufacturer bought them out a couple of years ago.  They have an excellent concept in how they sell music and a good distributor network.

 Anyway, if you sign up as an affiliate, you can earn $1 per CD sold and I think it is 5% commission on digital downloads.  So not a bad commission for music sales these days.  

The main site where all the music is sold is - if you want to check it out.  The affiliate site is 

It might be something that works in with what you are doing as maybe an add on to your website or something you want to focus on.  I do have some of my music on this site (search my name, Don Shetterly). 

Most of my newer music is up through another distributor called tunecore.  Nothing bad against CDbaby but Tunecore currently fits my needs better in what I sell.  Actually I think tunecore has some type of affiliate program but I think it is more for member sign ups, not music sales.  Of course you can always promote through linkshare (for itunes) and Amazon affiliate for music as well.  

Hope this helps someone out there and if you have any questions about selling music, I can probably help or find someone that can answer the question. Feel free to ask and i'll do my best to respond!

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