Time of Posting Blogs

Last Update: December 07, 2011

I'll share a tidbit that I've found on my blogger blog that I've had going since 2007.  Now, just to be clear, this blog is not a Wealthy Affiliate model of a blog and it is much harder to do SEO than wordpress.  However, it is a blog that I've been writing for a few years that really focuses on trying to make the world into a better place.  

My traffic is now up to around 5000 hits a month and not knowing a thing about blogging when I started, I'm pretty darn happy with that.  In fact, a year ago, I was running around 500-1000 hits a month.  I know I'm doing something right but I believe Google also sees this blog as having high value and good quality content.  It has a ton of content as well.

Anyway, the reason for writing this post was because I found a little trick that I think helps tremendously on traffic.  I post all of my articles on my blog at 12:01am.  Often by the time I check stats in the morning (using Sitemeter.com), I will see that I have 50 hits or more by 8am.  It seems that I get most of my hits early in the morning and then the mid afternoon hours and usually about mid evening.  I can see the spikes with each hour of when the hits come in.  It isn't because of that exact time, but I believe that there are just many people around the world on the internet in the early morning hours, and by the time 8am rolls around, so much other content is beginning to hit for the day.  Okay, that's my opinion but it makes sense to me.

I have no scientific reason of why this happens and get a little irritated when places won't let me schedule something to be posted.  I realize they don't see the value in it, but I have watched this on my blog for a year now and it helps.  Yes, a year ago I did get a major bounce from being on the Oprah show but that doesn't bring in the traffic now, like it did shortly after the show.  I do try and write using keywords more now than I once did but again on blogger, that sometimes makes no difference.  I just continue to write every day and I have not missed one day all year.  

So, you might want to check this out and see if it works for you.  All I can say is my traffic is trending up and I'm hoping next year I can double the traffic I'm getting currently.

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Labman_1 Premium
Gee, it would be nice to have your site name so we can check it out.
relaxing_piano Premium
I try not to push my sites in here but it is http://mindbodythoughts.blogspot.com/ (again, it isn't a site that the intent is to make money (its a side thing) but the intent is to help educate and expand knowledge in life. Some days I do a better job than others writing on the blog but each day, I try to share something on it.