Taking Advantage Of The News Of The Day

Last Update: August 26, 2011

Yesterday while I was at the beach, I took some video of the ocean waves.  Hurricane Irene was still 260 miles out but the surf was the roughest I had ever seen.  So I uploaded this to CNN iReport not expecting much and this morning, I got a call that they want to interview me by phone tonight at 5:30pm (EST).  

When I got home from the ocean yesterday, I created a web page with pictures i took and the link to the video.  I then wrote an article which I'm hoping will be published soon at Street Articles.  I've social bookmarked to the site, sent out an email to my mailing list and trying to get the word out in every way possible.

This is one of those moments where jumping on the right story at the right time is getting some traffic to my pages.  I'm in hurry mode right now trying to get as much publicity out of this as I can since this topic coincides with my niche.

 So if you're around at 5:30pm EST, turn on CNN and hopefully you'll hear me being interviewed.

The page I created yesterday is at the following link which has pictures and the video uploaded to CNN iReport.

Please note, it aired on HLN instead of CNN.  I was mistaken and I apologize if you were listening but missed it.



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relaxing_piano Premium
It was hard to tell from the video that there were 10 ft waves but then I was standing way upon a dune (so I wouldn't get washed out to sea). I have not been able to locate that video and I guess it was a one time only special. I did used to live in NC though. Beautiful state!
jatdebeaune Premium
Whoops, sorry. I see you are in Florida. The sound was ferocious. Still, the beach and water are beautiful. You can't quite tell that there are 10 foot waves.
jatdebeaune Premium
What beautiful pictures. Do you live in the Carolinas? Would love to see the interview. Will they play it again? Good idea filming it.