Posts by Relaxing_piano 14
May 03, 2012
I've been gone for a few weeks and come back to WA - and feel 100% lost.  I don't know where half of the stuff is.  All my buddy list is gone.  There is a bunch of comments that comes up in the center of the screen now and I have no idea who or what those are for?  It looks like random posting.  It would be nice if there was some place to read about the changes and where things are now - sort of a road map.  I guess that doesn't matter or its hidden in
December 14, 2011
 Wow, just saw an $18 commission come through on Amazon.  That is the most I've ever seen on a sale and I'll gladly take more like this.  Of course, it leads me to a possible niche that I might have overlooked.  On the radar now and in the back of my mine to see where I can take that concept.   Update:  Now its about $32 in commission for Amazon Affiliate this month!  Wow, my best month ever.  Also seeing other affiliates with some good income coming throu
December 07, 2011
I'll share a tidbit that I've found on my blogger blog that I've had going since 2007.  Now, just to be clear, this blog is not a Wealthy Affiliate model of a blog and it is much harder to do SEO than wordpress.  However, it is a blog that I've been writing for a few years that really focuses on trying to make the world into a better place.   My traffic is now up to around 5000 hits a month and not knowing a thing about blogging when I started, I'm pretty darn happy with that.&nbs
December 02, 2011
I am perplexed after submitting an article today.  I had spent considerable time writing it, refining it and having someone proof read it for me.  Of course, when I submitted it, I saw on my dashboard page that it said "rejected".  There were no emails to speak of or to inform me of this.  The only way I knew it was rejected was by checking the status. Confused by the generic message, I sent a PM hoping to get clarification.  All I got was basically a repeat of
I'm so tired of reading "scam and spam" articles on the internet when researching information about my chosen niche!  Either these people spin it to win it or they just write gawd-awful stuff that sounds as intelligent as a baby reciting the Gettysburg Address. I'm so tired of everyone and I mean everyone putting so much emphasis on social media as if it is the badge of effectiveness.  No one in this generation stops to think about what they actually accomplish by spending co
September 14, 2011
Its official - I'm a space tweep (aka space nerd).  Yep, you heard me admit it.  While I am not as afflicted as some, I still am hooked on this space stuff.  For me, just seeing a rocket launch or looking way out into space is one of the greatest moments for me. In this case, standing a few feet from the space shuttle Endeavor was a dream come true! I was fortunate to be picked from the stand bye list to participate in Nasa's Tweetup event on Sep 7 and 8.  If you follow @nasa
September 02, 2011
Wow, it wasn't that long ago that I was beating my head against the proverbial brick wall every minute of the day.   It was as if it felt like there was no way I was going to get beyond the point I was stuck in life!  To be honest, it was beginning to really hurt too! Then, I got the email from Carson and Kyle asking me to come back to WA.  It really didn't take much thought because when I first joined, I loved the place.  However, I kind of got lost and gave up before I
Yesterday while I was at the beach, I took some video of the ocean waves.  Hurricane Irene was still 260 miles out but the surf was the roughest I had ever seen.  So I uploaded this to CNN iReport not expecting much and this morning, I got a call that they want to interview me by phone tonight at 5:30pm (EST).   When I got home from the ocean yesterday, I created a web page with pictures i took and the link to the video.  I then wrote an article which I'm hoping will be publi
Even though I'm a "newbie" at writing articles in WA, here is something that I do when I write.  I've actually used this on a blog that I write daily.  My blog gets several thousand hits a month now and traffic is up 4 times over a year ago. Here's the little trick I do! I maximize the power of my subconscious mind.  No, this isn't some weird thing that I am talking about.  In fact, I use this for many things in my life when I really need to develop an idea or crea
You might not be aware of this resource and if not, I thought I would share it with everyone.  Since I'm a music artist, I sell music through this site.  The thing that is great about this place is that it is for independent artists and the owner started it from something to help promote his own music.  It turned into a multi million dollar business and another major CD manufacturer bought them out a couple of years ago.  They have an excellent concept in how they sell music