Totally Lost

Last Update: May 03, 2012

I've been gone for a few weeks and come back to WA - and feel 100% lost.  I don't know where half of the stuff is.  All my buddy list is gone.  There is a bunch of comments that comes up in the center of the screen now and I have no idea who or what those are for?  It looks like random posting.  It would be nice if there was some place to read about the changes and where things are now - sort of a road map.  I guess that doesn't matter or its hidden in here somewhere.  Not real happy at the moment with WA.  Maybe I just don't belong here!

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keithinohio Premium
Don't worry friend, here is a training that only takes a few minutes to read and should help out a bunch, in addition to Carson's blog:
kyle Premium Plus
Yeah, good add Keith. Definitely follow through that if you haven't (this is also found within the main menu "Learn How WA Works")
buddyboy Premium
I've just returned recently from an almost four month absense myself and know just how you feel. Don't fret too much my friend. I've figured most of it already and I'm sure you will too. Good luck buddy!
kyle Premium Plus
Change creates frustration, it is inevitable. It is like walking into your house and having you furniture moved around. However, I know that you will come to look the community much more once you get used to it (which shouldn't take too long). Many that had the same reaction as you when we rolled out the OEP platform felt the same way...same goes for any update that Facebook, Twitter, etc...there is always frustration.

Your furniture has been moved to better the community. It encourages much more dialogue now and is a much better education platform...something that we can build on and improve in a way that we could have never done with the older version of WA.

Great to have you back and I hope the learning curve isn't too frustrating for you (I know it won't be).
mhamilt Premium
I love the tags for this post :-)
Carson Premium Plus