Making Writing Articles Easier

Last Update: August 15, 2011

Even though I'm a "newbie" at writing articles in WA, here is something that I do when I write.  I've actually used this on a blog that I write daily.  My blog gets several thousand hits a month now and traffic is up 4 times over a year ago.

Here's the little trick I do!

I maximize the power of my subconscious mind.  No, this isn't some weird thing that I am talking about.  In fact, I use this for many things in my life when I really need to develop an idea or creation.  I even use it for creating music and painting art.

So how do I do this to create articles?

Often I make a list of topics I want to write about and as I list them, I put the date next to it when I want to write the article or blog post.  Usually it is several days in advance. After that, I don't pay too much attention to it other than looking at the list briefly each day so I see what is coming up.

Another variation of this is that I write a topic down on a sheet of paper or note card and put it on my desk, next to my computer.  This way, I can look at it several times a day.  However, I don't write about it for a day or two.

So why does this work?

By doing this, you are letting the idea marinade in your mind or in more technical terms, you are letting your subconscious mind work on the article.  When we allow the subconscious mind to create, it really is powerful.  It is like I am giving my mind notice to begin working on this and then as I go about my other tasks, it is processing this in the background.

Often, I find that if I do this, when I sit down to write the article or blog post, that everything just flows.  Of course if I am more in a relaxed and creative state, this process is greatly enhanced.  It is important that if you do this, you do need to give your mind some down time and relax or otherwise, the mind's processor will overheat!

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relaxing_piano Premium
Cool idea! Thanks labman
Labman_1 Premium
I have a wonderful tape that lasts about 15 minutes and puts my mind in an Alpha state. As you progress down through the levels there is a point where you are prompted to think of a topic to work on. Coming out of it the topic has percolated and brewed just like a good cupajoe. Makes things flow very nicely. Feels great too.