Many Wonderful Things Happening

Last Update: September 02, 2011

Wow, it wasn't that long ago that I was beating my head against the proverbial brick wall every minute of the day.   It was as if it felt like there was no way I was going to get beyond the point I was stuck in life!  To be honest, it was beginning to really hurt too!

Then, I got the email from Carson and Kyle asking me to come back to WA.  It really didn't take much thought because when I first joined, I loved the place.  However, I kind of got lost and gave up before I got started.  This time, it looked like I wasn't alone and well, I was at the right point in life where I was ready for WA.

I am seeing my website niche move up in the rankings and I'm learning tons of stuff.  In fact, I'm getting ready to start site number two up and feel like I'm much more ready to do that then I was on this other site!  The amount I have learned from WA - all the members, Carson, Kyle, Jay's Wabinars and the chats and the....  everything!  It's amazing!  That 30 day club is powerful!  If you're lost and not doing this 30 day club, stop what you're doing and start doing these daily emails!  

In addition to all of this, I got lucky with the timing of the hurricane and a video I took.  Not only has it gotten tremendous traffic on Street Articles for the article I wrote and on my site, but I even got interviewed on CNN (Headline News) for a couple of minutes.

Hold on there for a minute though because that isn't all!  Yes, there is more!  I know it is hard to believe but there is more that has happened!

The other day, I got an email that because of a survey I had taken online, they were depositing $100 in my paypal account.  I had not even expected that or realized that was coming.  I was doing da happy dance after I read that email!

Then... see I said there was more - I found out that I finally got chosen to be part of the Nasa Tweetup event next week.  I was on the backup list and well, someone canceled.   So, now I get to go and watch the launch of the moon mission and get to see and participate in all the behind the scenes activities.  I've been waiting for some time to get this chance and now I'm doing cartwheels.

Ok, I do realize that Carson, Kyle and WA didn't get me on CNN (or on Oprah last November either)  or to NASA or the $100 surprise deposit but in a way, things started to turn around from the moment I got their first email.  On a side note, I had news that kind of sucked the other day but with all this going on, I really don't care if it sucked!  I'm just happy that things are beginning to shake loose a little.

So here is to better days ahead, more success and just enjoying the little moments that come along in a day.  If you want to follow me on twitter for the  Nasa Tweetup event, my twitter ID is @mindbodythought

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