Tired Of Scam Marketing On The Internet

Last Update: October 23, 2011

I'm so tired of reading "scam and spam" articles on the internet when researching information about my chosen niche!  Either these people spin it to win it or they just write gawd-awful stuff that sounds as intelligent as a baby reciting the Gettysburg Address.

I'm so tired of everyone and I mean everyone putting so much emphasis on social media as if it is the badge of effectiveness.  No one in this generation stops to think about what they actually accomplish by spending countless minutes and hours a day on these social media sites.  If everyone took that time and did something constructive with it, the world would be a better place.  Yet, the "ranking" of a person on the internet is somehow tied to how many people are your friends and how many like or forward on your stuff.  Rediculous doesn't even begin to describe it!

I'm so tired of places sending me newsletters or emails or tweets or Facebook postings with information that is supposed to be the ultimate of the best of information since the beginning of time.  I'm always suspect when I read that but if you click on their link out of misguided curiosity, you soon find that all they want to get is your name and email address to spam and scam you in the future!  Doesn't everyone feel the warm and fuzzies flowing about now?

I'm so tired of places on the internet who put something out just to get it live on the internet only to forget to go back and tweak it a little, make it better or possibly even complete it and make sure everything works great!  Excuses and "we apologize" are given out as freely as there is oxygen to breathe.  These words mean little and after awhile, it gets rather old to see them repeated yet again.  Just fix the stuff and honor what people paid for to come to your site or service.

I'm so tired of going to a site and the first thing that pops up is someone wanting me to take a survey or respond to some question box?  Seriously, that is the most important thing about your website that you want me to see?  You want me to take a survey before I even know one thing about your site?  Obviously, there is a miscommunication here or you have some programming issues.

I'm so tired of the lack of quality information on the internet.  Most of it is junk!  In fact, I would go as far as to make up a statistic that 99.9% of it is useless junk!  The internet is great because it opens us up to information of all kinds and flavors but unfortunately, you have to wade through all the junk to find one morsel of substance.  What people think is quality is usually nothing more than fluff and stuff that could be reduced down to one or two sentences.  To each their own, but I wish people would label their internet pages as fluff and stuff!  If they did, it would make us all more efficient!

 Now that I write this, I'm wondering just how much I waste the time of someone viewing my stuff?

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jatdebeaune Premium
When you think about it, perhaps the reason there is so much useless information and crap online is because marketers are encouraged to bombard, scream out, leap frog competitors, and try to get attention to their products and websites but writing tons of articles just to get the backlinks and on first page of Google and get visitors to their sites. That's the way marketers make money. Advertising and marketing is what we are doing. How can anyone write meaningful articles by writing quick quick quick, popping them out like a gumball machine? That's why outsourcing articles may get the job done as far as the numbers are concerned, but is it as value packed as if you wrote it yourself? Herein lies the rub. Are we conducting a business or supplying important information online? Ideally, we should be able to do both. Let's face it, not easy. Quality content requires thought, and yes, even in depth research... perish the thought! If you have many websites and are article marketing, then you need to be a very prolific writer, have a staff, or outsource to talented people. Or you can invite quest bloggers. I've never understood FaceBook for social purposes. Why is it so much fun to be so public? I don't want to be in touch with everybody. To each his own. Though, because of all the traffic that FaceBook generates, the thought of advertising on FB is appealing, though not scamming or spamming, or aggravating people. It's a good way to get your message across, maybe even build a list. I'm tired of scam/spam marketing too. All the fluffy stuff is aggravating and time consuming. I find myself deleting just about everything, assuming it's just garbage, unless, I know and respect the sender. If the Internet can successfully make the shift from a numbers game to a quality game, then how good will that be! People have to be able to conduct a successful business or simply be on line supplying free important information. Somebody has to underwrite altruism.
Robg1 Premium
I hear you. You can opt out of their postings now which is a good idea!
dataplextech Premium
I agree with the comments about social media. And we're being forced in those directions, not because it's good for us or society, but rather it's good for marketers. I have people on Facebook I don't even know; added them because they were friends of friends. All they do is spam out adverts - everything from bands to real estate agents. They need to change the name from "social media" to "marketing media" because that's all it really is anymore. And the solution is simply, when you add someone you should have an option to opt-out of advertising pitches which would have to be tagged as such or people lose their accounts for spam. That one simple feature would return social media to it's intended purpose. As for the quality of information on the internet, it's disgraceful. Most "review" sites aren't reviews of anything; just a bridge page over to a sales page - and Google knows it! And sites with out dated and in some cases blatantly false information is my second peeve. But hey why shouldn't they? The article directories are filled with "fluff and stuff". Spend a couple of hours in the directory of your choice and tell me what you learn? Most articles are trivial and as you say could have been said in one or two sentences. But the author needed to meet the minimum word quota so we get all the worthless filler. All we can do is not play into the game and hope Google finds more ways to penalize these people. With 4,000 readers per month, it doesn't sound like you play the "fluff and stuff" game - congratulations!
Labman_1 Premium
The proliferation of marketers that are really not interested in providing good information is getting tedious.
So, the solution as I see it is to get the good information and put it out there in a form that people want to see. Let them say FINALLY the information I need without all the bull.
K&C are saying it all the time. Give them quality content!
relaxing_piano Premium
Yep, very true! That's what I strive for. My blog (pre Wealthy Affiliate days) that I started back in 2007 and knew nothing about what I was doing, is not up to over 4000 hits a month. Not bad considering it is in blogger which keyword optimization is much harder to do. And considering, I don't always write to a specific keyword - it is more of a personal journal blog than an optimized business one. I'm am working to apply what I learn here though on this blog and it is making a difference (of course being on Oprah didn't hurt either). I've just got all these places that I do business with because of my music and I'll tell you - they are part of the problem as well.