Give A Smiley Project

Last Update: August 13, 2011

Hopefully you don't see this as part of an internet marketing concept because it really is not designed for self promotion.  This is just one of those fun things that is needed more in this world.  

The "Give A Smiley Project" was something I created just to pass a smile on to other people.  So often in our world, we encounter people who have had a rough time, going through difficult circumstances or are just plain grumpy.  My hope is that this project will give people a smiley when they need it most.

You can read more about it, but basically, you go to the page on my website about the project and print the free smileys off.  I do not make money off of this and I in no way want it to be tied to money making.  It is all about giving something to the world for free in return for just being a positive force in the world for a moment.  

Once you have printed these off, drop one in an envelope and address it to someone you think needs a smiley, put a stamp on it and send it off.  No other note is needed and no promotional material goes in the envelope.  It is just the brightly printed smiley.  

Imagine what this might do for someone if they are having a rough day or feeling like life is too much and they opened up an envelope with the smiley in it.  They would see that someone truly cared.  Of course, you don't just have to mail them, as you could print them and hand them out in person.  They are not designed though to be emailed because I believe there is something special about receiving one in the mail or in person.  Each week, I find someone to send a smiley to in the mail.

There's so much more to this project and if you go to the page on my website about this, you can see how a smile impacted a day I experienced.  It really changed my day in just a split second.  

My hope is that this project will catch on like a fire all over this world.  There is something about a bright yellow smiley that just makes you smile on the inside (and hopefully on the outside).  

Oh by the way - spread the word - spread the smileys!  Make a difference in the world today.

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