Movin On Up!

Last Update: August 08, 2011

I see the first website that I'm working with is now showing up in google (I was beginning to wonder if it would) and well, while it isn't number 1, it isn't far from it.  So I'm pleased as punch about that.

 My regular daily blog that I write for (since 2006), is seeing increased traffic.  Something happened this month and the hits are increasing.  If the traffic keeps up like it has been in the first week of August, this may be the best month yet on my blog. 

I did try some of these concepts that I am learning, on a couple of blog posts and that may be helping.  This daily blog has such a volume of information, that it ranks high in many searches related to it.   I wish I would have started it in wordpress but am a little afraid to change things now, because I don't want to mess up my traffic and rankings.  I am getting at lea4 times the traffic as I was a year ago.

 Of course, being in a featured audience last November on Oprah, it helped greatly.  I drove some traffic to the blog because of that and those blog posts still get many hits currently.  No, I wasn't actually interviewed by Oprah, but I was part of the 200 men episode on Nov 5, and Nov 12, 2010.  In fact, I actually was about 5 feet from Oprah where I was sitting and I'm visible in the publicity photos.  It is my one claim to fame that I can own!  I'll never forget that trip.  She's such a beautiful lady and very real and caring!


I can see the benefit to what is being taught here and will keep working it and learning by following the 30 day club.  Some times I get a little frustrated but I'll keep going!  I know it is a learning process.

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