Staying Focused With Hope

Last Update: August 05, 2011

I might be seeing a glimmer of something happening in what I write for my regular blog posts. 


History First
I've had a blog for several years now that I write on and I feel it is pretty successful.  Traffic is up 4 times from what it was a year ago.  I've earned some affiliate income through it but it hasn't got to the point where I'm really turning and burning.  Of course, an experience I had last November on the Oprah show helped give it a good and lasting bump in traffic.


Open The Curtain Now
I got signed back up with WA and wish I would have never left in the first place.  However, things have really improved here and this 30 day system is taking a lot of the guess work out of it for me.  I've tried some of the techniques on the articles I write for my regular blog and guess what my traffic bumped up quite a bit in the past few days.  I see that several searches went to the article and then to a book sale on Amazon (yes, I'm an author on Amazon and a music artist as well).  

While this is just a small little piece of the pie, at least it shows that what I'm learning is offering me hope!  I read something that Carson wrote that you just keep plugging away looking forward in what you are working towards.  I'm really trying to stay focused and not get caught up in the anxiety of what will happen.  I keep following the 30 day plan along (although it is a little hard to keep up with) and hoping / believing that this will all accumulate and begin paying off. 

If my one little test on a blog that was set up a few years ago is working, than I just need to multiply that through the channels of the internet.  My blog is really about just offering insights, knowledge and observations.  I really didn't set it up with the purpose to make money off of it.  It was more a way for me to help the world.  I'm not opposed to earning money off of it but on this particular blog, I don't want that to be the focus.

So, I'm staying focused and keeping my hope that everything will all come together as I keep plugging away!


And now back to Day 10 email.


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