Posts by Stegmasterj 9
February 20, 2011
This is hilarious.  I was looking through my spam folder to make sure I wasn't missing anything and right between breast implants and ink clearance was the subject, you got an affiliate sale.  I'm still hoping to see that message quite a bit in the future but this one was in my spam folder and I don't expect to get one there.  But, I was still curious so I opened it.  Luckily it wasn't a virus.  The message started  Hi, I am You got an affiliate sale. New sale
January 11, 2011
I would sure appreciate it if someone would check out my weight loss site and critique.  What do I need to do to make a sale with this thing.  I've written about 100 articles, created backlinks on many other websites by leaving comments,  tried press releases, and continuously creating new pages.  So hit me with your best shot.  Comments, good or bad are appreciated. Thanks, Losing Weight With Jerry
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January 02, 2011
Just wanted to wish all the people in Wealthy Affliliates that have helped me and all others a happy new year!!  I hope all have a great and profitable year.   Jerry
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October 30, 2010
I am having a great time working on this campaign with the help of Kyle and Carson.  I'm working on building my website, I've learned quite a bit.  It is frustrating at times not being able to make it look exactly like I want it but everything I've done I don't think I will have any problem repeating it in the future.  Which means I will be able to create a new campaign as time permits.  As most of you can see I've been here since April.  I've gone through the action pla
September 29, 2010
Wouldn't it be great if it was all as simple as connect the dots.  Everything was written down 1-2-3.  Wealthy Affiliates is probably as close to connect the dots as you can get when you're talking about Internet Marketing. But it still isn't easy.  Of course anything worth while usually isn't easy.  But I'm banking the payoff is worth the effort.  That's what I'm looking forward to and working for.  I really would love to be the difference for infants with my 5% pl
1 comment
September 14, 2010
I've been reading training material and more training material for several months now.  In the meantime trying to do some article marketing and apparently not doing it very successfully.  As I read more and more I'm slowing absorbing the materials.  I've realized that one of my Lenses about Myrtle Beach, one of my favorite vacation spots, is way too broad and I need to zoom my lens in on one aspect of Fun Things to Do in Myrtle Beach, where to st
September 09, 2010
 You might have just read my last post about getting distracted. I've read alot of Newbies, and those that have been around a while for that matter, comment in the forum about being overwhelmed by the massive amount of information. I have found it very difficult myself to always stay on track. I have logged in with the intention to get some training on a specific topic, once I get to my profile page I see a blog with an interesting title or something else that I wanted to know about. Half h
September 04, 2010
I just read Justin Brooke's blog post this afternoon.  His member rank is number 5 in Wealthy Affliate.  He shared his story about an ebook he launched last year and how he did not know how well it was doing until recently.  I went to Justin's page in Wealthy Affiliate and read about his success as a person, family man, and entrepeneur.  Very awesome story.  I would recommend reading his profile to anyone trying to get started.  There are so many people on Wealthy A
August 31, 2010
I do not believe it.  I feel like I have achieved a major success.  After starting out in March, I finally have been able to create a blog post.  One small step to future success.