Calling all WAers

Last Update: January 11, 2011

I would sure appreciate it if someone would check out my weight loss site and critique.  What do I need to do to make a sale with this thing.  I've written about 100 articles, created backlinks on many other websites by leaving comments,  tried press releases, and continuously creating new pages.  So hit me with your best shot.  Comments, good or bad are appreciated.


Losing Weight With Jerry

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algee650 Premium
I'm just about finished with my fitness site and in no way does it contain as much content as yours. So I commend you with that.

For me, as much as I want to sell stuff directly through my affiliate links (and I try to), I'm just as (maybe slightly more) focused on capturing visitors info and working them with content and affiliate promos that way....building my list if you will.

So with that said, the major thing in my eyes, is not having a form on the home page to capture visitor info.

But other than that, it looks good.....lots of good