Connecting the Dots

Last Update: September 29, 2010

Wouldn't it be great if it was all as simple as connect the dots.  Everything was written down 1-2-3.  Wealthy Affiliates is probably as close to connect the dots as you can get when you're talking about Internet Marketing. But it still isn't easy.  Of course anything worth while usually isn't easy.  But I'm banking the payoff is worth the effort.  That's what I'm looking forward to and working for.  I really would love to be the difference for infants with my 5% pledge to donate to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.  

Back to connect the dots for now, though.  I am still struggling with how 3 things tie together, Website, Keywords, Backlinks.  You have your website which you name something relevant to the product you're selling.  Just for example, I'm trying to sell an ebook on how to lose weight for your wedding.  So, buy a website called  What are my key words?  Quick weight loss for weddings, losing weight quickly? I then submit articles to Article directories and social bookmarking sites to get my backlinks with those keywords.  

 Really my question is how does google know what the keywords are in my website, so that all the work in the backlinks will make my web page rank higher.  Help with this concept would be appreciated.   Or if something I've said above is wrong I'm open to criticism.  


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