
Last Update: September 09, 2010

 You might have just read my last post about getting distracted. I've read alot of Newbies, and those that have been around a while for that matter, comment in the forum about being overwhelmed by the massive amount of information. I have found it very difficult myself to always stay on track. I have logged in with the intention to get some training on a specific topic, once I get to my profile page I see a blog with an interesting title or something else that I wanted to know about. Half hour later I didn't accomplish what I set out to do. I did learn something, but that thing that I learned may not useful to accomplish my goals right now. My suggestion if you have a specific topic you need training on is to keep your focus on that training, set a timeframe that you want to spend on that training session, then if you have some time remaining go back and read up, blog, on the topic you might have seen that wasn't on your agenda. Make sense?

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stegmasterj Premium
What do you not understand chris?
No,it does not