You Got an Affliliate Sale

Last Update: February 20, 2011

This is hilarious.  I was looking through my spam folder to make sure I wasn't missing anything and right between breast implants and ink clearance was the subject, you got an affiliate sale.  I'm still hoping to see that message quite a bit in the future but this one was in my spam folder and I don't expect to get one there.  But, I was still curious so I opened it.  Luckily it wasn't a virus.  The message started  Hi, I am You got an affiliate sale. New sale confirmation.  The person said he/she was You got an affiliate sale. New sale confirmation.  Kind of a long name, but they got me to open their email.  People are ingenious.   

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Eileiah Premium
Thanks for the heads up.
Slugger_mn Premium
If used correctly, I LOVE this approach.. If it followed a sales pitch about how you could see that message for real some day, then I love it:)