I've been reading training material and more training material for several months now. In the meantime trying to do some article marketing and apparently not doing it very successfully. As I read more and more I'm slowing absorbing the materials. I've realized that one of my Lenses about Myrtle Beach, one of my favorite vacation spots, is way too broad and I need to zoom my lens in on one aspect of Fun Things to Do in Myrtle Beach, where to stay.
So here's my attempt at focusing in. If anyone has any comments on what I'm thinking out loud about, please share. It would be much appreciated.
Where to Stay in Myrtle Beach,
Where to stay, Condos, Timeshares, Hotels, Houses
Condos to stay in on golf courses in myrtle beach
Condos to stay in on the beach in Myrtle beach
Is this still too broad?
Thanks for any comments.
Where to stay in Myrtle Beach if you are handicapped.
Myrtle Beach accommodations with child care
Myrtle Beach accommodations for older adults
Myrtle Beach accommodations for adults
Myrtle Beach hotels with shuttles
Myrtle Beach houses with pools for rent
Myrtle Beach houses with 5 bedrooms
Myrtle Beach long term rental with pool
Etc. Think like someone who is looking to stay in Myrtle Beach and the specific problems people have when they rent. Small kids, older parents, wheel chairs, multi-family traveling, business and pleasure mixed (office in unit), etc. If you clear your head and think like a traveler other than yourself, you'll come up with great longtails.
If you write articles using these long tails, you can add something else to the title in order to bring your article higher on Google, but whatever you add, put it at the end of the long tail. Hope I helped you this time. All the best!
I am really newbie(just joined before 3 days) , and i cannot help you , but i may say a key-word to you without even know it , so it will be good to say something.
I think,that you start WRONG with this.
If it was me,i would start by quoting to myself like this :
Myrtle Beach Condos,Myrtle Beach golf
Myrtle Beach oceanfront Condos,Myrtle Beach golf courses
Myrtle Beach oceanfront Condos "CONDO N. " golf courses
Again,i am wrong because , you have to have more details and be more specific , so - i ve never been to any condo or beaches like that or i would help you.
IF you can provide more , we will find a solution.