
Last Update: August 31, 2010

I do not believe it.  I feel like I have achieved a major success.  After starting out in March, I finally have been able to create a blog post.  One small step to future success.

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Khairul Anwar Premium
Short and sweet. Have a great day man..
reefswimmer Premium
yup. and now that you have done two of them, keep on posting til it is second nature. Maybe your next step is Squidoo lenses or ezine articles. They don't have to be related to a sellable niche, so you don't have to even think about the optimizing part til you are ready...just get known as an author and get the perks for that.
Diane, reefswimmer
jorpcorn Premium
Bravo for you! Perseverance is the key - just keep on trucking!
stegmasterj Premium
For me, yes.
Sherion Premium
Hi and any success is better than no success at all. lol.